The Pain You’re Currently Carrying (+ Tarot Advice On How To Heal)


Your Cards: Justice & Three of Swords

Maybe you feel like you’re being punished for doing the right thing. With Justice here, it seems like you have gone to great lengths to empathize with the people closest to you, constantly giving up parts of yourself to fill their holes. And when you had nothing more to give, they left you empty. I know what they did wasn’t fair but do you think it’s productive to wait around for an apology that you may or may not get? The truth is, that closure rarely exists in the ways we want it to. Closure is something we have to reconcile with ourselves.

With the Three of Swords lining your path forward, you are invited to embrace this pain and forgive yourself for having emotions. This might seem counterintuitive, but you tend to bottle things up inside. What you’re going through is unfair, but it is fleeting once you learn to embrace it.


Your Cards: Princess of Swords & Ace of Pentacles

You always feel so compelled to help others and show them the way forward, so to speak. You’re used to being the person others look to for guidance and advice because you bear scars on your heart, Taurus. But right now, you feel like you’ve lost something within yourself. It is as if you give and give yet never receive. You fear you would be letting everyone down if you stop showing up as the shoulder to cry on. Don’t think you’re responsible for everybody else at all times—especially since lately, you find yourself banging your head against the way watching the people who ask you for advice falling into the same cycle all over again.

Your Cards: Judgement & The Empress

A lot is going on at once right now. Life is coming at you in every direction. Lately, it’s just been one thing after the other for you, and none of it is making life easier. It feels like life is playing games with you, Gemini. Whenever you think things are finally about to turn around and work out for you, it’s just another letdown. I believe this applies more to your love life.


Your Cards: King of Swords & Four of Pentacles

You feel like the world isn’t gallowing you to prove your talents and ideas. Perhaps because of this idea that no one cares what you have to offer, it’s become this internalized self-fulfilling prophecy. But the question should be: Why haven’t you given yourself the chance, Cancer? With the King of Swords, you feel full of energy and as if you have something to offer the world if only someone would recognize this. Don’t think your emotional tendencies indicate weakness or inability to make a difference in your environment. Like the King of Swords himself, you are full of passion and challenges of the spirit and intellect. With the Four of Pentacles, it feels as if you’re waiting for someone to notice your capabilities. Don’t let this hold you back. Permit yourself to do something.


Your Cards: Judgement & Ten of Pentacles

With Judgement first, in your reading, it feels like you made a decision in the past that hurt someone you loved. There is a sense of regret here. Perhaps in the moment you did and said what you felt was necessary but right now, you wonder if this is truly the outcome you wanted. But you’re spending too much time dwelling in the past. It seems like whatever fallout you may have experienced was necessary. Perhaps you found yourself clinging to the idea of someone and the idea of what the future might bring with them only to be confronted repeatedly with the reality of the situation.


Your Cards: Nine of Pentacles & Two of Swords

You’re scared because youu sometimes question what is real and what is just another idea of what could be. Virgo, sometimes you don’t know if you trust the things that you want. Lately, you find that the more emotionally engaged you are, the more reserved you become as if you’re instinctively putting up the walls before you have any reason to reject the situation. With the Nine of Pentacles, something is growing that could take full bloom if you let it but what stands in your way is the Two of Swords. With the Two of Swords, this sense of self-awareness almost becomes obsessive. But if you’re unsure of the situation, my question is: Why can’t you help but fall in love with people you feel you can’t trust?

Your Cards: Prince of Swords & Queen of Wands

Sometimes making the right decision looks wrong at first. Sometimes, the choices we make only make sense to just us. We don’t always need to explain ourselves all the time with the Prince of Swords, whatever pain you’re experiencing is especially unique to you. It’s something others have a hard time relating to. Maybe they empathize with you and can understand where you are coming from to a certain degree, however, you sense that there is only so much of you they can grasp. You’re especially good at considering all sides and considering other perspectives. Always make decisions based on what’s “objectively right” but to heal, you must out independently.


Your Cards: Prince of Wands & Strength

Normal people give about 50% fucks. Some give like 75%. You, however, Scorpiou give negative fucks most of the time, but lately, you’ve been plagued by certain negative thoughts that you’re unable to shake. And you know deep down that you shouldn’t care as much as you do. Why does it matter? Some things have been said that haven’t been sitting right with you ever since and it’s shaken your confidence. It’s affected the self-perception you used to hold of yourself and now you’re wondering how much you know yourself. You have these projections in your head that don’t exist. Ideas, thoughts, and opinions that others may have of you. This idea that I think that what’s holding you back most right now is this compulsive need you feel to compare yourself to others. Perhaps this is through social media or amongst your social circle/coworkers.

With the Strength card, what’s missing is that self-assuredness that separates you from everybody else. Don’t think there’s something wrong with you. What I love about your sign is how different all Scorpios are. The number one thing Scorpios all have in common is that you have so much that distinguishes you from each other. Don’t let these insecurities hold you back. What will help you heal is reconnecting with the person you were before shit went down. Before the words were spoken, they could never be taken back. Remember that person. Be them again.


Your Cards: Seven of Cups & Five of Pentacles

It’s scary to feel powerless to our emotions. To think out of control and unable to predict when the highs become lows and the lows become unbearable. Just when all is well and you think you’ve healed enough to function properly like everyone else seemingly does so with such ease, the pain, the worry, the anxiety, it all comes back creeping back in again. The despair and loneliness you thought you let go of and healed from always find its way back. With the Five of Pentacles blocking your path, something weighty weighs you down. It’s something that’s been hurting you for a while now. Rest assured that you’re not stagnant. However, the growth you’ve made is hard to see. Two steps forward, one step back. Sometimes one step forward, and two steps back.

But regardless of the setbacks, there is growth. It is slow, but it’s there. It’s time to stop beating yourself up for being human. Stop feeling guilty for reacting emotionally. Of course, you’re reacting emotionally, it’s a problem when you do not react.


Your Cards: King of Swords & Six of Swords

What I feel for you Capricorn is that you are overthinking everything right now. I know you’re a very calculated person and that’s one of your greatest strengths yet also one of your greatest weaknesses. There have been times in the past where you didn’t trust your gut, and it bit you in the ass. And while you do appreciate the input of others, you still cling tightly to your own beliefs. Currently, you are where the King of Swords sits. Your decisions are based on logic, emotion, and intuition but with the Six of Swords standing in your way, you find yourself relentlessly pouring over every detail into oblivion. But I sense you’re doing this in an attempt to repress something. A truth you don’t want to have to acknowledge. Emotions that you’re disgusting.

Not every decision must be so meticulously analyzed and peer-reviewed. Things are much more simplistic than they seem. These mental gymnastics to get from point A to point B are unnecessary. With so many potential outcomes and possibilities depending on the current choices, you feel paralyzed to do anything. Take it one day at a time. You don’t have to have it all figured out now.


Your Cards: Ten of Pentacles & The Star

You’re wondering whether or not this is as good as life gets or if there’s more out there for you. Is the grass truly greener on the other side? The Ten of Pentacles indicates that you’ve reached a certain level where things are going pretty well. Perhaps you just got a promotion or you just started dating someone new. Maybe you’ve recently moved or have finally achieved some financial stability. Regardless, there is something you’ve spent a lot of time working towards and though you’ve finally achieved it, the feeling of success isn’t as sweet as you thought.

Aquarius you’re hard to tie down. Your career path is nonlinear and your love life is atypical. You tend to be someone others want to keep around but this is not your nature. But sometimes you fear this aspect of yourself because while you love spontaneity, deep down inside you crave stability and predictability. And yet, here you have found stability bbut resentit. Maybe things are good in your life and others might agree that it isn’t yours. You received The Star in your reading which is an interesting coincidence since The Star tarot card is directly related to your sign. You have a lot in common about the meaning of this card. There may be an alternate opportunity presenting itself. You tend to be quite impulsive at times and know this about yourself so lately, you try to remain present and keep tabs on what’s a good idea and what isn’t. The thing is though, to deny yourself the true nature of who you are is what will hold you back from finding satisfaction. The Star calls upon you to align with yourself and your true nature instead of thinking the “mature” thing to do is what others ask of you. You were meant to be a little unpredictable. You’re a visionary, a revolutionist, a pioneer. Your life was destined to be a story.


Your Cards: Ten of Wands & Death

With the Ten of Wands, you appear to be in a difficult situation that requires a certain level of flexibility and a willingness to bend with others. Naturally, you’re a very emotionally reflective sign. As a result, you have reasons for how you go about your life. You think deeply about the things that move you within and stir inside—more than most people. Like the fish, you swim cautiously through the depths. Aware of its current and the curse of negative thought. You understand how to steer clear of what you know will impact you emotionally. You believe that fully healing requires contemplation and siding with yourself and your needs but with the Death card lining your path, perhaps it’s time to try something new.

You’re so good at forgiving yourself and feeling your emotions as they come without guilt, but I think there are parts of yourself you cling to tightly. It’s time to let that go. The Death cardcallsg upon you to embrace changeando let go of whatever old identities you seem to be clinging to. I’m not going to lie, you can sometimes be quite stubborn.Youu know best because you’ve spent so much time feeling everything out. However, act as the fish and go with the flow right now. Allow yourself to feel overwhelmed by change and embrace a new way of being that still holds onto the core of who you are





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