4 Zodiacs Leaving Their Comfort Zones Behind To Find Real Love


Your comfort zone is strength, Aries, but love requires softness. It involves surrender compromise and flexibility. It requires you to trust that the other person will not take advantage of you and that when you give, they will reciprocate. It requires you to trust yourself, that you hcantell the difference between a healthy relationship and an unhealthy one. You can change enough to grow with someone else, but will know what too much change looks like. That you know the difference between love and self-sacrifice. You have the strength and self-awareness, which are rooted deep in reality. You will not lose your way by letting down your guard.


Your comfort zone is staying busy, Gemini, but love is about slowing down. It’s about being present in the moment, in your feelings, something you’re not used to doing. You are all go, go, go so you don’t have time to stop and think about how everything is making you feel. You’re too busy to be upset, too distracted to be sad, and too tired to be lonely. When you slow down to savor time with a loved one, you have to be in your own body and mind to share your experience with another human being. It will take work, trial and error, and patience on both of your parts, but you can get there.


Your comfort zone is confidence and cancer, but love is not a shoo-in. You can’t guarantee you’ll get it right, ever. You can’t practice enough to be certain that the next time is the time you’ll get it right. Technically, anything that throws a wrench into your perfect life plans could happen. Love involves two people, and you’ll only ever be able to control your actions. The rest is giving someone a chance, and letting them continue to prove themselves and earn your trust, every day, for as long as the two of you are together. You have to decide, in your core, that the chances everything will be okay, is worth risking that it won’t.


Your comfort zone is endless generosity, Aquarius, but love requires you to be selfish. Pick one person out of the fold, and prioritize them above all others. To be the person they depend on in times of need. It’s skipping your volunteering plans to hunker down in bed with your significant other after they’ve had a terrible day and being a shoulder for them to cry on at the expense of different responsibilities. You’ll never stop being the wonderful humanitarian that you are, but to truly be someone else’s life partner, you have to show them that they are more important to you. That you choose them time and time again, even if it means you have to say no to other people. If your life is a cake, they want to know the biggest, most delicious piece belongs to them.





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