11 Pivotal Journal Prompts To Amplify Self-Awareness This Aquarius Season (1/19-2/18)

Aquarius season is a time for innovation, self-discovery, and embracing authenticity.

Ruled by Saturn and Uranus, this air sign acts on flashes of inspiration to enter new and empowered ways of being, thinking, and doing. As a new calendar year continues to swing, Aquarian energy provides us the energy to clear old pathways and step foot into personal empowerment. Here are 11 journal prompts to amplify self-awareness this Aquarius season.

1. What has I always wanted to explore about myself, but haven’t yet?

Think about interests, skills, or parts of your personality you’ve been curious about developing. Where are you holding back?

Reflecting on previous experiences helps close old doors and creates new intentional patterns. How can you build on the insight you’ve gained to step in the direction your soul is calling?

Coping mechanisms often reveal weak points and areas of personal growth. Is there any room to approach difficulties with more resilience or self-compassion? Celebrate any areas you’ve noticed improvement.

Think about words you’d use to capture yourself and your highest vision of who you are at your core.

5. Which perspective or mindset shifts could radically transform my life?

The framework we see ourselves and our world sets the foundation from which we show up. Explore any areas where a change in thinking may lead to greater fulfillment.

Aquarian energy celebrates individuality while contributing to a larger whole. Is your current involvement satisfying? Are there any areas you would like to change?

To create new beliefs and habits, we often have to work through fears and insecurities that have previously held us back. Where have you been playing small?

What standards are you currently embodying? Dream big when reflecting on how habits can express personal goals and visions.

9. Are there any goals I’ve kept hidden or unexplored? What can I do to bring them to light this week? This month? This year?

Think about any passions you’ve been hesitant to share with yourself or others. What action steps can you take to begin turning them into reality?

10. Who inspires me to be the best version of myself, and how can I nurture that/those relationship(s)?

Consider who helps you feel most in touch with yourself. Expand on relationships that motivate you to grow and evolve.

11. What bold decision have I been avoiding, and how would my life change if I made it?

Identify a choice you’ve been hesitant about—big or small. Imagine how enacting this choice may create positive momentum





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