What Every Zodiac Sign Can Expect Under The Gemini Full Moon (12/20)

The last full moon of 2024 is here!

On December 20th at 4:04 a.m. (EST), the full moon in Gemini will occur and give us a chance to see things a little more clearly. Full moons are most associated with themes of closure and making room for new things, and with the new year approaching fast, it’s worth taking time to walk away from things that have long stayed past their welcome.

This full moon is happening in the air sign Gemini, so we are more focused on the details and putting pieces together—this is necessary to work with Sagittarius season’s energy of longing for the big picture. We may notice every little thing, and it can feel more vital to us under the power of a full moon. Additionally, this full moon is ruled by Mercury in Sagittarius, which has been retrograded for the last few weeks, but Mercury stations are direct today, giving a clearer path to any major insights we may have during this lunar transit.

Check below (Rising and Sun!) to see what all the zodiac signs will experience under the full moon in Gemini!


You’ve been aching for more, Aries, but you must get things in order first. As the full moon lights up your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, you realize that in your desire to go and explore, you’ve been neglecting your life—and it’s catching up to you. Now, it’s not only time to take care of things in your current state (yes, even the boring stuff) but to look around and appreciate what you already have rather than focus on what you don’t. This doesn’t mean you can’t desire something bigger or go on a grand adventure, but first, you must ensure everything in your life is in good shape before you start chasing something else.


It’s time to embrace your comfort, Taurus. As the full moon appears in your 2nd House of Income and Values, you focus on what makes you feel secure and comfortable. You know relationships (and any great partnership, really) are all about give and take, and the Sagittarius season has had you focusing on the giving aspect heavily. Now, you’re reminded that you’re allowed to honor your needs—but you can do that without hurting others or abandoning their needs.


Your needs are important, Gemini. As the full moon appears in your 1st House of Self and Identity, you recognize how easy it can be to lose yourself when focusing on everyone else. While the needs of your friends and partners are important, so are your needs—and if you keep holding everything in, you’re going to explode. As Mercury stations retrograde today, you could better understand what it means to trust others to show up for you—after you’ve communicated what you want and need. You must care for yourself, too, so take this time to figure out what you need to become the version of yourself you long for.


It’s okay to take some time to yourself, Cancer. As the full moon illuminates your 12th House of Isolation and Subconsious, you are becoming more aware of the need for time alone and to reflect, rather than keeping yourself running haywire. You’ve been overwhelmed with schedules and errands to run, not to mention all the chaos of Mercury retrograde in the mix. The full moon reminds you that taking breaks and caring for your mental health is just as necessary as “getting everything done.” Additionally, you may realize that emotions or issues you’ve been avoiding by distracting yourself are coming up, and it’s time to address them—you can’t run away from these things forever.


You can want validation, Leo. As the full moon appears in your 11th House of Friendship and Networking, you are determining how to balance the idea of only needing your approval to live your life yet also wanting others to support you. You’ve been fixating on what makes you happy, which is necessary and worth building up the confidence to pursue what you desire, but now you are longing to connect with others who share your vision. You may come across people who share your passions or who you’re already connected to could surprise you in how they want to show up for you. You may recognize that some of the groups you’re in are more likely to keep you from growing, and this could be time to reassess how you want to interact with these groups going forward. You can lean on validation from yourself and others—don’t force yourself to believe it’s one or the other.


You’re allowed to shine, Virgo. This full moon in your 10th House of Career and Public Image pulls your focus toward stepping out and letting yourself be seen. Lately, home responsibilities and learning to rest and reset have been necessary, but that doesn’t mean you can’t (or shouldn’t) take opportunities to be recognized or to advance yourself in life when they happen. You have so much to offer, and it doesn’t do any good to keep pretending otherwise. You may have the chance to showcase your skills or people may see you in a new light and want you to take on more responsibility—this is your moment, so don’t let it slip away due to self-doubt.


You want to let go, Libra. As the full moon lights up your 9th House of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Travel, you’re more aware of a desire to break free from the mundane, which could lead you to be more impulsive. You’ve been heavily fixated on logical, tangible matters that you can work with, but this full moon tests your faith and what you believe in, which can feel overwhelming—what do you do when you can’t always explain something away with logic? If you sit with these feelings and examine them deeper, you may find that allowing your faith and belief in things that seem unrealistic or unattainable is needed to keep you from staying in the same places you’ve been.


It’s good to take others into account, Scorpio. As the full moon illuminates your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, you’re shifting your mindset from what makes you comfortable to what makes others in your life feel secure. You’ve been prioritizing your needs and what makes you feel safe. From that foundation, we can also reach out to provide others with what they need. You may be called upon to help with a specific situation, or you may need to settle some debts (emotional or financial) that you’ve been putting off. Your connections only thrive if you can learn to give and take rather than leaning too hard in one direction.


Your relationships deserve some attention right now, Sagittarius. With the full moon lighting up your 7th House of Partnerships, you recognize that you’ve only made it as far as you have due to the love and support from those closest to you. It can be easy to get caught up in ourselves, so if you’ve been putting your connections on the back burner (even unintentionally), it’s a good time to let them know how much they mean to you. This period may also be good for reflection on the health of your relationships and what can be done to improve them. You may also be confronted with the reality that not all connections last, or that not everyone has your best interest at heart—if you feel as though your gut is telling you something, you should listen to it.


It’s time to take action, Capricorn. As the full moon appears in your 6th House of Routines, Habits, and Wellness, you’re more aware of the need to do something rather than just ponder it. You’ve been leaning into more introspective tendencies lately, but this full moon is pushing you to end unhealthy cycles and bad habits—taking matters into your own hands is the only way things will improve. However, remember that acting rashly may not give the results you’re hoping for. You know deep down what needs to change for you to feel more fulfilled, and it’s time to intentionally make them happen.


You need to express yourself, Aquarius. As the full moon lights up your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, it’s becoming evident that you’ve been making time for everything except a little fun. Naturally, responsibilities and ensuring you show up for others have been on your mind lately, but taking the time to do something for yourself, especially in creative or romantic areas, is a necessary refresh. You could experience opportunities to make these moments happen, but don’t pass them up or doubt yourself—you deserve to let loose and have fun now and then.


Everyone deserves time to rest and reflect, Pisces. As the full moon illuminates your 4th House of Home and Roots, you’re grappling with the reality that not everything has to be public or attention-grabbing to have value—sometimes, the opinions that matter most are the ones closest to you at home. Wanting to make a name for yourself or get ahead in your career isn’t bad, but if you aren’t finding a balance between home and work, you will eventually burn out. This full moon may force you to turn your attention to your home life, especially if you’ve been avoiding it. You need to be able to rest and care for yourself and your family—it’s the foundation you need to keep putting yourself out there down the road, so don’t let it crumble





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