3 Signs That Should Be In A Relationship With Themselves Right Now


Right now, it might be in your best interest to take a long breather from dating or romance, Aries. With the Full Moon that occurred in your sign back in mid-October, this most likely illuminated weak points in your dating life. As a result, you should take some time to truly reflect on things for a bit. Just focus on yourself. Don’t obsess over the details and he said she said shit. Hindsight is 20/20 and while I’m sure you have your opinions on the other person’s actions, it takes two to tango. Often, the people present in our lives act as a mirror. They reflect certain aspects of ourselves and our subconscious. The areas in which you are criticizing your past romantic connection may be the same areas of weakness that you share.


Closure doesn’t exist, Gemini. That is the theme for you during this time. The closure that you seek is within you. If there is someone in your romantic past that you have parted ways with think twice before you consider letting them in again. With Mercury retrograde happening until December 15th, there’s a good chance you may be hearing from an ex or past fling. But with that said, it might be in your best interest to remain distant from them. Whatever closure you seek will never be found with them. I know you probably have a lot of questions you wish you could ask them, or things you’d like to clear the air about, but the fact is that, no matter what you say to them or what they say back, you will never get the closure you’re hoping for. Closure is an illusion. What will probably happen is even if you have that conversation with them, you might feel better immediately after, but in the days after, you’ll probably be feeling just as confused, hurt, and heartbroken. It’s up to you but it might be best that you just stay single for right now and find the validation you seek from within.


You’re typically the center of attention, Leo, but as of lately this need for attention might be masking a deeper issue that you must address. No matter how much attention you get from potential romantic interests, it will never be enough. Perhaps it’s time to find that same validation you receive from others within yourself. 2024 is coming to a close so this could be the perfect time to reflect on your life this past year. Are there any patterns that you are picking up on? Because seeking out attention from as many people who will give it to you may only perpetuate an unconscious need that only you can fill. For right now, embrace that relationship with yourself that you’ve neglected for too long. Come the winter solstice you may easily attract exactly what you are looking for in a potential partner by simply reconnecting with yourself first





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