These Zodiac Signs Are Not Available For Love Currently

Love is a wonderful yet challenging path, and while some zodiac signs leap completely into romance, others take a step back to safeguard their hearts. Certain signs are currently preferring to be alone rather than be in relationships—not because they don’t think love exists, but rather because they’ve pushed the pause button due to past experiences, personal development, or changing priorities. If you’re wondering who these guarded souls are, keep reading to find out which three zodiac signs have closed their hearts to love—for now.

3 Zodiacs Who Have Closed Their Hearts To Love


I’m sure this doesn’t come as much of a surprise for anybody is reading this. Virgo’s are notoriously possessive of their individuality. They have extremely high standards for themselves and hold others to the same. But, while it’s good to have expectations, many Virgos tend to be a touch unrealistic. As a result, when a spouse or someone they’re dating fails to live up to those expectations, Virgos are rather quick to discount the prospect of them ever working out. They have a false notion of what love should be and seem like to comprehend that other people are just as human as they are. Virgos struggle to reconcile their belief in love with their personal beliefs. The truth is, it’s not that love doesn’t exist, but rather, their interpretation of it doesn’t exist.


Those born under the sign of Aquarius are idealists by nature. Some would say that they’re hopeful romantics. So, with that said, you’re undoubtedly wondering why Aquarius made this list. Even if they are romantics with hope, this optimism has simply given them a mental picture of love that doesn’t exist in reality.

In contrast to Virgo’s unachievable expectations, Aquarius is more interested in pursuing an emotion, if that makes sense. They are pursuing an idealistic and naive notion of what love ought to be, not a fictitious reality. Without appreciating what is in front of them, they are the kind of people who wonder what more might exist. As a result of their inability to find a lasting relationship, their trust in real love endures, but their conviction that it is meant for them wanes. Not because they don’t think love exists, but rather because they’re unsure if they think it will last.


The problem with Aries is that a lot of them lack the ability to love. The Emperor, a tarot card, symbolizes the practical and realistic thinking of Aries. The majority of their conclusions are based only on reasoning. Nevertheless, they have trouble comprehending their own feelings or those of others. Aries typically struggle to accurately assess their desires and express their emotions.

They consequently lack a complete understanding of love. They are somewhat aware of what love is, yet they are occasionally perplexed by love in action. When it comes to love, they don’t always know what is expected of them. Others seem to have no trouble falling in love, but Aries seems to have trouble. As a result, it’s simpler for individuals to dismiss the concept of love as nothing more than romantic fiction rather than admitting that they need to stop denying their feelings and try to better understand them.


These zodiac signs may have temporarily closed their hearts to love, but that doesn’t imply they will remain that way indefinitely. When they’re really ready, love might return because healing, self-discovery, and time typically provide clarity. If this resonates with you or someone you know, keep in mind that love has its own timing and that these indicators will reopen their hearts when the time is perfect.

These Zodiac Signs Are Not Available For Love Currently
These Zodiac Signs Are Not Available For Love Currently





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