Tarotscope For Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Card: Justice, Reversed.

Aries, it’s true that all of our choices and situations have led us to this point, but life isn’t always fair. We can only control so much in this life, and it’s hard to deal with things when the karma balance doesn’t feel right. Right now is a good time to fix that thing you’ve been meaning to.

Your Card: 2 of Wands

Taurus, you’re in a stable spot, but you want to know where you can go next. You feel split between the future where you stay and the future where you go out into the world. What dream is important to you enough to make you leave your comfort zone? Would the pain of regretting things you didn’t do or the pain of regretting a life you left behind hurt you more?

Your Card: Nine of Wands

Gemini, you’ve learned and pushed the limits of how strong you are. Understandably, you feel protective of where you are and what you have after all the bad things that have happened to you and the problems you’ve had to solve. Remember that it’s not just what’s around you that matters, but also what you’ve created inside yourself. You have built up a lot of strength and kindness, which will help you as you make the last push toward your goal.

Your Card: The Empress

Cancer, get ready to get things done because you’re going to have a burst of creative energy that could change everything. What would you want to become if you could grow into anything? Find something that needs to be cared for and focus your good energy on it. The effects will be huge. It’s very fertile, in a lot of different ways. Today will likely make you value the wild world around you more.

Your Card: Six of Cups, Reversed

Leo, having a link to the past that made us who we are can be powerful and helpful. But watch out that you don’t get so caught up in your past that you stop living in the present. What you’ve learned has made you who you are today. There is no going back to the way things were, and trying to live in a way that is no longer true will hurt you in the long run.

Your Card: Two of Cups

Virgo, we are social creatures, and when we connect with someone, whether it’s in a love relationship, a friendship, or a mentorship, it can uniquely change our lives. Are you willing to connect? Don’t cancel plans just because something isn’t right. Don’t try to make things happen; just be yourself and see what happens. Believe that what needs to be will be.

Your Card: Eight of Pentacles

Libra, it feels good to know that we can bring skill to others. You’ve done a lot of work and are still working your way up to success. It’s not exciting work because getting better at something isn’t so much about big wins as it is about regularly winning small battles. Think about whether you should spend money on learning another skill that could help you. Even though achieving perfection is a tall order, what will win in the end is the quiet motivation and constant effort to get better.

Your Card: The Fool

Scorpio, you’re about to step onto completely new ground. In front of you is the great unknown. Whether this border is mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual, get rid of any ideas you already have about it in your mind and heart. It can be scary to start something new, but if you can think like a beginner and be excited about it, you’ll be able to do anything. Positivity is the best way to think about a fresh start.

Your Card: The Star, Reversed.

Hope that hurts is a sign that we’ve been through something so bad that we don’t want to accept the good that life has to offer, Sagittarius. It can be scary to let something as dangerous as hope sit next to a heart that is still hurting, but it’s a necessary part of being emotionally and mentally strong when things go wrong. You may feel like the bad things that have happened to you recently will never go away, but remember that while hardship and stress change us, so do healing and hope.

Your Card: Ten of Wands, Reversed

Capricorn, you’ve always been proud of how much you can handle. But sometimes that makes things harder for you. Look at everything you need to do right now and decide what’s most important. You’re probably carrying things that belong to other people, and you need to give those things back to move forward. You can only do so much. There are people nearby who would help you if you asked.

Your Card: The Hermit

Aquarius, there are parts of this trip and being human that we can only do by ourselves. Sometimes it’s too hard to see our inner light because there are so many other things going on. You have every right to want to be alone while you process very upsetting events or plan your next steps. When things are getting too crazy, it’s also okay to want to take a day to yourself. You deserve to be kind and gentle to yourself.

Your Card: Three of Cups, Reversed.

The good news is that things have been moving quickly for you, Pisces. The bad news is that you’ve been having a lot of great experiences very quickly. It looks like you haven’t been taking care of yourself or the people you care about. Instead of being afraid of missing out, feel happy about it, and spend time with the people you’ve been missing. Get in touch and catch up. The response you get might surprise you.





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