Ten of Pentacles
If there’s money involved, the Ten of Pentacles is the card you want to see. It’s the quintessential representation of wealth. If you’re searching for stability in your finances, then pulling the Ten of Pentacles is your sign.
The Ten of Pentacles is especially revered regarding financial success because it represents long-term economic growth and wealth. The Ten of Pentacles appears when your financial success will stay with you rather than be fleeting. When you grow your savings, make wise financial decisions, and work towards your financial goals over time, the Ten of Pentacles approves – and that’s when it’s most likely to appear to commend you on your efforts and remind you that a lifetime of wealth, joy, and abundance is on its way to you.
The Sun
The Sun is all about success and happiness. If you are completing a financial reading or asking for financial advice, the Sun is the card you want to pull. It can indicate that you have already manifested or achieved wealth somehow, but it can also appear as a symbol of future prosperity. It guides you to continue working towards your goals and achieving what you hope for.
King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles is another great tarot card to look out for for financial success. He represents power and wealth and is a likely indicator that financial fortune is coming your way.
Ace of Pentacles
The Ace of Pentacles is about a new journey. It encourages you to take action and embark on a trip you have been considering; to make the ideas you’ve been dreaming of a reality. It can also be an indicator that financial success is coming to you.
The Ace of Pentacles is more about predicting future success rather than commending you on a success you already have. If you’re considering opening a savings account, starting a new budget, or setting a financial goal for yourself, the Ace of Pentacles is a great sign that you’re on track. It predicts financial success in your endeavors – as long as you take action towards your goals, of course.