Three Zodiac Signs Feeling Uncertain This Holiday Season (+ Advice From A Tarot Reader)

Three Zodiac signs in particular are uncertain as the holidays approach – Gemini, Cancer, and Libra. Our Tarot reader put together tarot readings for these zodiac signs and drew the following cards:

  • Working For You – something that’s working in your favor or working with you.
  • Working Against You – something that is working against you.
  • In Your Past – the not-too-distant past.
  • In Your Future – the not-too-distant future.
  • What to Let Go – What aspects of yourself or the world you should you let go of, especially to receive the ‘in the future’ outcome?
  • What to Embrace – What aspects of yourself or the world you should embrace, especially to receive the ‘in your future’ outcome?


You’re experiencing an emotionally charged time, and many of those feelings are related to challenges to your ideas of authority and tradition.

Working for You – Ace of Cups

Your cup is full—in fact, it overflows. You’ve been feeling so many new emotions, and while nearly overwhelming, they’re also inspiring. The strong emotional connections you’re feeling will give you the love and support you need.

It can be easy to romanticize your feelings, especially about love. Be honest with yourself about how you’re feeling. If you aren’t quite sure about an emotional commitment, explore that feeling instead of forcing things.

In Your Past – 4 of Pentacles

Recently you were materially stable enough to set yourself up for stability and future success. While that made you feel secure and certain financially, you don’t feel the emotional stability you were hoping for.

While you are empowered to change your life and can make things happen, emotional overwhelm can make you feel like you aren’t in control at all.

What to Let Go – Queen of Swords

A cool, analytical approach to the situation will not help you feel more certain and will not account for the emotional charge you’re experiencing.

Teamwork can make the dream work, and we aren’t meant to experience all of this life alone. Getting thejobk that you are hoping for done will also equire work from other people. Don’t be shy about recruiting those with the skills and expertise you need.


Most of the cards are reversed in this reading, which indicates you’re dealing with a lot of unpredictability, which can ultimately lead to uncertainty and anxiety.

You have been working extremely hard to improve yourself and pouring your creative inspiration into being the best you possible.

Working Against You – Ace of Cups

Because of the changes you’re making, tyouare afeeling  lot of new emotions  As old relationships deepen and new relationships begin, there’s so much emotional upheaval it’s overwhelming. Give yourself the space you need to process it all – easy does it.

You’ve recently experienced a lot of injustice, disrupting your sense of security. It’s natural to feel shocked and disillusioned when dealing with a situation with a lot of inequity.

In Your Future – 5 of Cups, Reversed

You have learned to find peace beyond sorrow and loss. Your resilience and ability to reframe a difficult situation as one full of potential will serve you well, and set you on the path to healing.

You’ve worked hard to get to where you are, so you can let go of the constant concern over your position within the world.

What To Embrace – The World, Reversed

Finishing a huge project is an amazing feeling, but there can also be a sense of emptiness and loneliness once everything has settled. Instead of rushing your thoughts to where you’ll go next, lean into the feeling of completion, and allow yourself to process all you learned.

It’s hard to live with a clear head and be open emotionally if you’re ‘waiting for the other shoe to drop.’ There’s a well-worn path between anxiety and overall uncertainty.

Working for You – 8 of Cups

Learning when to walk away is an important life skill, and understanding that your peace of mind is important. It can be hard to separate from something we’ve invested in, and recognizing that it’s necessary is an important step toward healing.

It can be strange to find ‘being happy’ to cause stress and conflict, but that’s what you’re processing right now. Finding what should be a happy situation full of anxiety can introduce a lot of self-doubt to us, bringing questions about our larger plans in life.

In Your Past – 7 of Swords

One reason you may be feeling this stress even though the situation seems amazing on the surface is the deception you’ve had to endure recently. The betrayal you experienced has impacted your entire outlook.

You might feel like you’ve gotten to where you want to be, but still feel on high alert and need to defend yourself. The experience is one of both empowerment and isolation.

What to Let Go – Ace of Pentacles

Don’t become too overfocused on material gain and wealth. Opulence isn’t give you the feeling of security you’re seeking. Instead of seeking protection from the physical world, focus on your spiritual experience.

What To Embrace – 7 of Pentacles

There are things, like healing from a betrayal, that take time because you’ve done all you can do to get on the right path. While you’re waiting, spend time to both consider and celebrate the progress that you’ve made.





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