Our tarot reader has done a reading about what three zodiac signs will be stepping into their power over the next few months, and what that transformation experience will be like
Aquarius, Cancer, and Aries are facing big changes, so our tarot reader pulled readings together to help them.
The cards that have been pulled represent:
- In Your Past – the not-too-distant past.
- Working For You – something that’s working in your favor or working with you.
- Working Against You – something that is working against you.
- Your Thoughts – your goal, and what your thoughts are focused on.
- Your Subconscious – the subconscious ‘undertow’ of your experience.
- In Your Future – the not-too-distant future.
In Your Past – The Magician, Reversed
It wasn’t coming together, and what you were looking to do seemed out of reach. Maybe your timing was bad, or your skills weren’t quite there, but you couldn’t achieve what you had been working for.
Working For You – The Tower, Reversed
You’ve dealt with huge, life-changing shifts before, so your experience in weathering tragedy and understanding how to process and release trauma is working for you. Make sure to create space for you to think through how you want to approach some of the larger emotions uncovered.
Working Against You – Ace of Wands
There are lots of opportunities around – and many of them are compelling. These are the sorts of once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that won’t come up again. Unfortunately, you’re also dealing with a far-too-full plate already.
Your Thoughts – 6 of Pentacles, Reversed
You have been mindful of disparities in power, especially if they are expressed in financial arrangements. You have been carefully considering the balance of giving and receiving in your relationships, as something feels off.
Your Subconscious – 9 of Wands
You’re resilient and have proven to yourself many times that you can motivate through difficult times. You alwYou alwaysur curiosity as motivation.
In Your Future – Judgement
Hearing our calling is a profound experience. Understanding our purpose is perspective-altering and often life-changing.
Putting it All Together
There are lots of Major Arcana in this reading, and they lie in a line stretching from your past, through the present, and into the future. This means you’re dealing with an extraordinary amount of energy and many big moments. This major arcana energy will help you step things up this year.
In Your Past – King of Wands
You recently felt confident in your ability to create something meaningful and inspire others to help you. Your innate leadership helped you create a vision of success that inspired those you encouraged and, ultimately, led.
Working For You – 8 of Pentacles
You’ve never shied away from the hard work, even if the sheer volume of tiny, detailed tasks could overwhelm others. Once you have the inspiration to explore something, you can be near inexhaustible in your pursuit of excellence.
Working Against You – Page of Wands
The problem is, that there are so many opportunities and areas of interest you aren’t sure exactly what to apply your energies to.
Your Thoughts – High Priestess
You’ve been spending time seeking answers within and making an effort to cultivate your intuition and reconnect with it.
Your Subconscious – 4 of Pentacles
You’ve been saving, and have spent focused time working on your financial and material stability. While it isn’t as central to your thoughts as it was while you were building everything up, it’s still a factor in how you currently experience the world.
In Your Future – 2 of Swords
You’re coming to a crossroads, and you’re going to be asked to decide the fact you don’t feel as though you can see or understand the entire truth of the matter.
Putting it All Together
There’s a lot of energy and action around the High Priestess card representing your thoughts. This means it’s a great time to take up meditation, or if you’re already a regular practitioner explore additional styles to give you more intuitive tools. Your past creativity and leadership have created a lot of good vibes to move you into the phase of working through a lot of detailed work. Skills are effectively built through the rigors of repetition, and you’ve been talented at creating an environment that inspires everyone to put in that kind of work. You’ll soon be coming to a crossroads where your new-found intuition may be challenged by a decision making you feelyou don’t have enough information or insight.
In Your Past – Knight of Cups
The Knight of Cups is the quintessential romantic. Vulnerability can be a strength, especially when it allows you to be more emotionally available and passionate.
Working For You – King of Cups
Experience often teaches people to allow time for things to develop, and the King of Cups knows to allow time and space for big emotions. That stable and supportive perspective helps create deep emotional ties.
Working Against You – Page of Cups
Processing many emotions at once and dealing with larger emotions than what can be realistically handled may create sensitivities and friction. Those experiences can block your ability to process and integrate what you’ve experienced fully.
Your Thoughts – Page of Wands, Reversed
The way to step into your power is to part ways with the limiting beliefs you’ve been carrying. It’s time to embrace your limitlessness and see what opportunities you can create, instead of investing your thoughts and energy into tearing yourself down.
Your Subconscious – 3 of Swords
Underneath all of your emotional challenges is a prior heartbreak. It filled you with so much sadness and grief that you’re finding it difficult to heal.
In Your Future – Death
Change and transition are right around the corner. There’s something new on the horizon, a new cycle has begun, and it’s time to let go of what won’t serve you.
Putting it All Together
Cups dominate this reading, making it a reading where you are very much in your element. There are a lot of cup court cards, and it’s enough to make me want to give you two possible interpretations. The romance interpretation is that you’ve been dealing with many challenges in love, particularly around a complex relationship (maybe a love triangle or quadrangle?). In the not-too-distant past, you were with someone extremely love-struck and romantic. Now your time is dominated with someone a bit older, but you’re finding that challenging because there’s also a bit of emotional immaturity there – or maybe even someone younger. You haven’t been able to decide what to do, and are ultimately still working through a heartbreak. Take some time, get to know yourself, and see what your decision looks like then. There are big changes ahead, and whatever takes place now will impact how you grow in the future. For the mental health interpretation, be aware that you’re dealing with a lot of big emotions, and that sometimes that can leave us emotionally exhausted and raw. Give yourself the space to process what you’re feeling, and to work through prior grief you carried in with you. Look at your successes instead of seeing the situation in terms of emotions, you can’t yet process. Instead of seeing the court cards as people, see them as aspects of yourself and understand your progression and how it fits into who you’d like to be. Big changes are ahead, and the emotional experiences you have now will help you grow!