Some people need to adjust to being in serious and Long-Term relationships since it’s so different than living life on their own. Sharing and letting their guard down doesn’t come easily to them. But other people feel right at home in serious relationships. They are more comfortable in the settled stage of love than in the early, puppy love days. Here are the birth months who make the best long-term partners:
You are more comfortable in long-term relationships than fresh, new relationships or flings because you enjoy emotional intimacy. You want to talk to your partner about their day for hours on end, and tell them about yours. You want to open up about your biggest hopes and dreams. You want to feel like you can trust each other with anything and everything. You make such a great long-term partner because you are willing to open your heart wide. You aren’t going to hold back because you want to love your person right. You want to give them every part of you so they can know you as intimately as possible.
You are much more comfortable in long-term relationships than newer relationships because there’s a sense of safety and comfort between you. You don’t like the unpredictable stages of love, when you aren’t sure whether it will last. You want to skip ahead to the part where you are settled, where you are the best of friends. You make a wonderful long-term partner because you are loyal to those who are loyal to you. You would never dream of betraying your partner, even in small ways. You are always going to be there to support them and encourage them. When they’re with you, they will never feel alone because you will always be in their corner cheering them on.
You are built for long-term relationships. You aren’t interested in short-term flings because once you get attached to someone, you want to spend every waking moment with them. You want to give them your whole heart. There’s no holding back with you. Once you find the right person, you are going to spoil them rotten. You are going to be their rock. Their support system. Their entertainer. Their partner in crime. You want to know your person inside and out, which is why you are most comfortable in serious relationships. You need a real commitment. You need a partner who is as dedicated to you as you are to them. Dating can be messy for you. But once you find a long-term partner, you will have the time of your life.
You make such a good long-term partner because you are committed. You aren’t going to grow bored and leave someone who treats you well. You aren’t going to get scared away by conflict or tough times. You are willing to fight for the people you love the most. You are willing to compromise and work through problems. You are willing to do whatever it takes to make your person happy, as long as you can trust that they’re doing the same for you. You are as loyal, and as dedicated, as they come.