We all have our non-negotiables in relationships and certain things we’re looking for in a romantic partner. For myriad reasons, some zodiac signs have higher standards than others when it comes to dating. Here are all 12 star signs ranked in order from the highest to lowest relationship standards, and what each zodiac is looking for in love.
1. Virgo
Virgos have perhaps the highest standards of the entire zodiac, and not just when it comes to relationships. They are perfectionists who can easily spot flaws and work diligently to fix them. They have a checklist of traits they want in a partner, and refuse to connect deeply with anyone who doesn’t make the cut. The only exception to this rule is when Virgos fall for someone they think they can “fix.” They’re so good at solving problems, they believe they can turn someone they really like into their perfect partner. Virgos may have to learn the hard way that you can’t change another person, but they should also consider crossing a few things off their long list of relationship requirements.
2. Pisces
Pisceans are incredibly accommodating and accepting of others, so it may come as a surprise that they have such high standards for a partner. But Pisces people only reveal how picky they are once they’re already in a relationship. This zodiac is very creative and romantic, so they tend to idealize their partners and put them on a pedestal. But once reality kicks in and they realize their partner doesn’t live up to their fantasy, they run away. Pisces won’t settle for anything less than a fairytale love, and they go through several relationships until they find it.
3. Capricorn
Capricorns have high standards for everything, and they hold themselves accountable to these standards. They want all the finer things in life, including the “best” partner, and consider successful relationships an accomplishment. Capricorns have a hard time opening up to others, yet they won’t settle for anyone who doesn’t meet their expectations. This zodiac tends to find true love later in life, when they’ve figured out how to be more vulnerable in love. They need someone who understands their aloof, unemotional front, yet brings out their sweet, loving side – and checks all the other boxes on their extensive list of requirements.
4. Aquarius
Aquarians have high standards for relationships because they are perfectly content being single and don’t need a partner to feel fulfilled. They reject conventions and societal expectations, so getting married or having a significant other isn’t a priority to them. They avoid commitments in general, and whoever they date has to give them plenty of space. Only someone who embraces their quirks, stimulates them mentally, and accepts their independence will win an Aquarian’s heart.
5. Leo
Leos have a lot of love to give, and they expect a lot in return. They make exceptionally generous and caring partners, but they also want someone who fulfills all their romantic fantasies. Leos need quite a lot of attention, and while they want a partner who is as fun-loving and enthusiastic as they are, their ideal mate has to be willing to give them the spotlight. It’s a tough balance between being the life of the party with a Leo partner while still letting them be the star of the show. Leos want to be half of the couple that everyone adores, but they want to be the most admired of all.
6. Sagittarius
Sagittarians enjoy having a partner to join them on their adventures, but their freedom is important to them. They’re happy to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t tie them down or make them feel like they’re “too much.” Sagittarians are very social and outgoing, so they’re willing to get to know anyone and entertain a romantic connection. But they’ll only commit to someone who doesn’t force them to settle down.
7. Scorpio
Scorpios crave romantic love more than anything, and they’re willing to accept someone imperfect and unexpected. They want a partner who shows them the good, the bad, and the ugly, but they require nothing less than absolute devotion in return. Scorpios will put up with a lot to maintain a relationship, as long as their partner is loyal to them and they have a deep emotional and physical connection.
8. Aries
Aries people like a challenge and will pursue anyone for sport. The thrill of the chase is half the fun of relationships for this star sign. They move quickly in romance, but the spark tends to burn out as swiftly as it ignites. This zodiac tends to go through a string of short-lived relationships until they find someone to settle down with for a while. If the relationship gets too dull or their partner isn’t devoted to them, they will move on to the next and never look back.
9. Taurus
Tauruses crave comfort and stability, and they just love being in love. They will enter and stay in a relationship for a long time, even if it’s not everything they had hoped it would be. Having someone to come home to at the end of the day is more important to them than having a partner who meets every little expectation. They make wonderful partners, but they could stand to raise their standards a bit instead of settling for relationships that feel easy and familiar.
10. Gemini
Geminis truly believe that variety is the spice of life, so they’ll give dating anyone a try. They’re also social, outgoing, and charming, so they have no problem finding a romantic connection. It’s harder for this zodiac to make love last, but they will enter into a relationship with just about anyone who intrigues them. They may have lots of short-term romances, but they sure will have fun (or at least learn some important lessons) along the way.
11. Libra
Libras love being in love and are happiest when in a relationship, regardless of whom they’re dating. They’d rather be with a less-than-perfect partner than stay single. They also strive for balance in life, so even if their relationship is going poorly, they can find fulfillment in other areas like work, hobbies, and friendships. Libras are people-pleasers who avoid confrontation, and they’ll bend over backward for any partner. It would benefit this zodiac to take some time alone to discover that being single can be more enjoyable than they might think, and to raise their standards instead of letting bad relationships go on for way too long.
12. Cancer
Cancers desperately crave love and yearn for a comfortable relationship, so they tend to overlook massive red flags in pursuit of their soulmate. They don’t really have a strong sense of what they’re looking for in a partner, and just go with whatever feels right in the moment. This zodiac is terrified of getting hurt or rejected, so they try to guard their hearts fiercely. But they will continue to be disappointed unless they figure out exactly what they want from a relationship and take off their rose-colored glasses when it comes to the people they date.