3 Zodiac Signs That Should Prioritize Rest During Mars Retrograde

Assertive Mars has been retrograde since December 6, creating delays and slowing progress for everyone. Three zodiac signs, in particular, should be mindful of not overexerting themselves due to this movement between now and February 23. Instead of harsh self-criticism, embracing gentle encouragement can help these signs align with 2025’s compassionate energy. Let go of the pressure to achieve big goals immediately—there will be plenty of time to make significant strides when the Vernal Equinox arrives on March 20.


When the Ram’s ruler goes retrograde, Aries takes an especially hard hit. Rather than beating themselves up for not living up to a family standard or failing to find love, this zodiac should take time to nurture their inner child. Enjoying comfort food, taking afternoon naps, and watching favorite shows from childhood can ease frustration until spring arrives.


Reaching a personal goal could be especially difficult between now and February 23rd when retrograde Mars undermines the Crab’s progress. Instead of trying to fit into a particular outfit or achieve a flawless complexion, this zodiac should fall in love with themselves just as they are. By cultivating a sense of joy every time they glimpse themselves in the mirror, this sign will enjoy a fabulous glow-up with the approach of spring.


Overcoming fear is more complicated than usual when Mars is retrograde. Although Lions are famously brave, they do struggle with inhibitions they developed during childhood. If it’s been difficult to cope with separations, bad dreams, bullying, or changes to routine, this zodiac shouldn’t feel be ashamed. Alternatively, Leo should engage in calming practices like deep breathing, aromatherapy, or meditation until February 23rd, when Mars goes direct and their courage comes soaring back.

3 Zodiac Signs That Should Prioritize Rest During Mars Retrograde
3 Zodiac Signs That Should Prioritize Rest During Mars Retrograde






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