1. Virgo
You are by far the easiest sign to stay in love with, Virgo, once the novelty of the relationship wears off. Actually, falling in love with you is the hardest part of a relationship with you. This isn’t because you’re a difficult person to love, but rather because you’re difficult to get to know (because of your shyness and overthinking tendencies). However, once someone has fallen in love with you, it’s easy for them to stay in love because they feel comfortable talking to you about anything, they feel safe with you, and they are always amazed by everything they discover about you.
2. Libra
Like Virgos, Libras are likewise rather easy to fall in love with. Getting you to commit is the difficult part of the process. You’re a little hesitant about getting married and committing to just one person, but once you feel like you’ve found the one and make the decision to fully commit, it’s a relationship that is full of warmth, comfort, laughing, and happiness that never ends.
3. Sagittarius
Because a Sagittarius relationship is based on such joy, happiness, humor, and emotional intimacy, it is relatively easy to stay in love with them. You have a great ability to communicate with your spouse and feel a profound connection with them, all the while finding time for humor and pleasure. You may be a little too optimistic about relationships (forgetting that they all have difficulties), but if you’re prepared to work through issues with your spouse rather than ignoring them, you’ll be able to stay happy with your partner for the long run.
4. Taurus
It’s no surprise that you’re relatively simple to stay in love with, Taurus, as you’re a person who lives and breathes love. Your patience, dependability, and very warm heart make anyone feel secure and content with you, which is the major reason it’s easy to stay in love with you. Naturally, your difficulties with jealousy and your need for pretty frequent affirmation from your partner are the main reasons you’re not higher on the list.
5. Capricorn
It is somewhat unexpected that you rank higher on the list of people who are “easy to fall in love with,” Capricorn, but only because you tend to be gloomy and fatalistic in the early stages of a relationship and always assume the worst. You’re a really devoted and supportive partner with a sardonic sense of humor and a comforting sense of ambition when you can finally get over that and find someone who tells you to shut talking.
6. Cancer
Staying in love with you, Cancer, is usually quite easy. You are incredibly intelligent and perceptive, have a big heart, and are usually the most considerate companion anyone has ever had. Your inclination to harbor grudges and your inability to let go of things even after you and your partner have apparently resolved them together are the only reasons it can be difficult to stay in love with you. When you can overcome these traits, you’re one of the most loving partners in the world, but occasionally they make it difficult to maintain a happy and healthy relationship.
7. Pisces
Because you are sensitive, compassionate, and able to see things from your partner’s point of view, it is generally easy for Pisces to stay in love with you. The fact that you occasionally lack clarity about your desires and procrastinate rather than taking decisive action when necessary is what prevents you from becoming one of the simplest indicators to stay in love.
8. Aquarius
As you are likely aware, Aquarius, falling in love with you can be challenging and complex since you cut people off and prevent them from getting near because you are trying to protect yourself. However, you can overcome these concerns and become the self-aware, compassionate, and honest person that makes a great partner if you’ve found the proper person to help you overcome them. Staying in love is as difficult as ever if you don’t discover the ideal person or decide to overcome these worries because you won’t allow the relationship to progress past a certain superficial level.
9. Gemini
To no one’s surprise, Gemini, you may be very simple to stay in love with at times and very difficult at others. Being in a relationship with someone who actively addresses your own insecurities and makes choices that support your emotional well-being is exciting, joyful, and even enjoyable. It can be difficult, maddening, and hopeless to stay in love with someone if you choose to drown in your fears and worries and refuse to ask for help.
10. Aries
You already know how terrible your commitment problems are, so you’re probably not shocked to hear that you’re difficult to keep in love with, Aries. You enjoy falling in love, but when it becomes a regular part of your life, you get terrified. When your partner feels unwelcome, you make it nearly impossible for them to continue loving you because you persuade yourself that it means you have to quit your adventures, which is untrue.
11. Leo
When it comes to pushing your spouse away, Leo, you are your own worst enemy. They fall deeply in love with your kindness, generosity, considerate actions, and big heart. It becomes quite difficult for your significant other to love you the way they did at first when you let your conceited and condescending side to surface. This side wants to dominate the relationship, make it flawless, and always have their way.
12. Scorpio
You’re the hardest person to stay in love with, Scorpio. I’m sorry to tell you that. As a relationship, you undoubtedly have some wonderful qualities: you’re passionate, captivating, and skilled at reading your spouse. However, such traits can’t compensate for the reality that you’re also quite possessive, secretive, jealous, and obstinate about owning up to your mistakes. However, you can be just as great a spouse as any of the other indications if you work on those poor habits.