Zodiac signs that are bad in relationships

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They had such high hopes for their relationship and thought it would be one of those that would last forever and be extremely fulfilling.

Your relationship ended before it even really started, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to feel the way you are feeling. They can grieve, get angry, and sad about a near-relationship, as well as the end of any relationship.

Nobody wants to feel rejected for any reason. You wonder what happened that this relationship couldn’t grow into something permanent.

If a relationship is to last, both partners need to be clear about their intentions.

Can that happen? Sure, but do you really want to waste your time and risk your self-esteem by betting that you can manipulate someone into loving you and wanting the same things as you?

Maybe your relationship ended because there wasn’t much that connected the two of you.

The chemistry between the two of you could have been fantastic, but you didn’t have much in common or had different goals.

There are times when it doesn’t matter how much you like someone, there is no glue that holds the relationship together.

Timing is an important factor in relationships. The point in time that you and your partner are in your life must match, otherwise, you will never be in the same emotional place and it will be impossible to connect your life together.

Even if you don’t realize it at this point, in most cases near-relationship failure is a good thing.

It’s much easier to part with something that has just started than it is with a relationship that has lasted for decades.

Here are the zodiac signs that are terrible in relationships and why your near-relationship ended up breaking down.

“Click Here To Discover What Men Secretly Want, But They Could Never Tell You.”


The truth is, your relationship was over before it even really started.

You have never treated her with the care and consideration that goes with a relationship.

You made plans and never brought him in, you acted in surprise when he called you like you expected him to ignore you, and you never gave the impression that you were investing in a committed relationship at all want.

It’s okay to stay cool, but not to the point where you drive your potential partner straight out of your life.


He was honest from the start and told you he wasn’t interested in a relationship, but you were convinced that once he started hanging out with you and getting to know you, he would change his mind.

But he didn’t. He was honest, you just weren’t honest with yourself.

You can’t choose someone because they are a challenge and you want a win in the relationship games.

Next time someone tells you they’re not interested in a relationship, believe it and move on.

Click Here The #1 Reason Men Lose Interest In Women They Love.


You have both been at two different points in your life and have no positive relationship with each other.

You may meet again at some point in the future and things will be more aligned, but for now, it’s best if you go your separate ways.

You can’t force a relationship, especially if both parties don’t have the emotional resources to create a lasting bond.


It didn’t take long for your near-relationship to feel overwhelming to you.

You value your independence and want to be free to do what you want without feeling attached to anyone.

As soon as the reality came, you ran away. Maybe it could have worked, but the truth is that everything that worked was extremely scary for you, which makes you one of those zodiac signs that are terrible in relationships.


You didn’t want remorse, so kept your options open with this man.

They didn’t want to commit themselves when someone better shows up. What if you had a relationship with him and then you met your perfect man?

They don’t like it when things get emotionally chaotic. It’s much better to keep someone at a distance, and if the relationship doesn’t turn out to be serious, then nothing has happened either.

“Click Here To Discover What Men Secretly Want, But They Could Never Tell You.”


You may not be aware of this, but you acted like he was some kind of mind reader.

You expected him to know what you are feeling and what you want without you even telling him about it.

The way you acted assumed that you just wanted to be friends and acted accordingly.

Throwing yourself at someone may not always be the best course of action when it comes to a relationship, but you should at least give your potential partner an indication of how you are feeling.


There are a number of tests to make sure a potential friend is being tested.

The problem is, it takes so long to make sure someone is suitable for a relationship that at some point they lose patience and decide that it’s not worth jumping through hoops and trying to prove worthy of your attention.

Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and let what happens to happen.


There was practically no time to see him. They were too busy to do anything other than text the occasional text.

You convinced yourself that if he really wanted a relationship with you, he would have tried.

Obviously, a relationship wasn’t what either of you wanted, and now you can spend even more time on your work projects.

If you or your partner is on this list, now you know why there are problems in your relationship. If the two of you are interested in each other and love each other, then start changing these things in your life right away.

“Click Here To Discover What Men Secretly Want, But They Could Never Tell You.”





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