Zodiac Signs

What Each Zodiac Sign Wants To Put Less Effort Into Next Year


You want to put less effort into looking good on social media. You want to focus on actually making yourself happy instead of appearing happy.


You want to put less effort into toxic relationships. You want to stop trying so hard to make things work with people who treat you like garbage.


You want to put less effort into making other people comfortable and say whatever is on your mind, even if it hurts.


You want to put less effort into looking for love. You want to enjoy the single life and stop assuming the grass is greener on the other side.


You want to put less effort into impressing the people around you. You want to worry about yourself first and foremost.


You want to put less effort into your nine-to-five. You want to create a healthier work/life balance so you aren’t neglecting your loved ones anymore.


You want to put less effort into your appearance. You want to focus on your inner self more than your external self.


You want to put less effort into making extra money. You want to focus more on making memories.


You want to put less effort into pretending you’re okay and actually admit when you’re struggling and need help.


You want to put less effort into making your parents happy and more effort into doing what you believe is best for yourself.


You want to put less effort into getting laid and more effort into creating meaningful relationships.


You want to put less effort into fitting in and focus on finding yourself.

What Each Zodiac Sign Wants To Put Less Effort Into Next Year
What Each Zodiac Sign Wants To Put Less Effort Into Next Year

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