Since you’re not focused on relationships, it’s taking you so long to discover love. Right now, your primary concern is your job. You aspire to be the best in your industry.
Since you’re a homebody, it’s taking you so long to discover love. Spending time with oneself is something you like doing. You don’t fear being independent and self-sufficient. You actually prefer it most of the time.
Since you’re not in a hurry, it’s taking you so much longer to discover romance. You understand you have a lot of time to discover the right person for you. You do not have to have married at an early age. You’d prefer to travel around the world initially.
Since you wasted so much time on the wrong guy, it’s taking you so much time to discover love. You wanted them to demonstrate what you don’t want in a relationship, what you won’t accept even if you love somebody.
Since you’re choosy, it’s taking you so much long to discover love. You’re not going to accept anything less than what you deserve. In every aspect of your life, you just want the best for yourself.
Since you are unwilling to settle for any relationship, it’s taking you so long to discover affection. You’ll only commit once you’ve found somebody who is a perfect match for you. You’d rather be single if you got anything less.
Once you’ve been focusing on learning to love yourself, it’s taking you much longer to discover affection. You have been putting in the effort to mend your heart and grow as an individual. You’ve been taking the appropriate actions to ensure that when love finds you, you’ll be prepared.
Since you aren’t proactively looking for love, it’s taking you so long to find it. You think you’ll be prepared when it comes to you, but you’re not likely to go out looking for it. You’re a patient person.
Since you enjoy playing the field, it’s taking you so long to discover love. You’re not certain if you’d like to spend the rest of your life with only one individual. Flirting is something you like. You like interacting with new people. You enjoy your life as it is presently.
Since you have severe dealbreakers, it’s taking you so long to discover affection. You won’t waste your time with someone who doesn’t appreciate you. When you know a relationship isn’t suited for you, you do not even mind leaving it soon.
Since you’re special, it’s taking your time to find affection. You’re searching for a certain kind of relationship, and only someone unique will be able to tick everything off your list. You’ve extremely high standards that you will not compromise.
Since you have more fun with your friends than on dates, it’s taking you too long to discover love. Your buddies are always there for you. They’re there for you at all times. They’re the ones you really care about.