How Each Zodiac Sign Behaves When It’s Angry

How do you express your anger? Are you a boor or a slow burner?

No matter how relaxed you are, you will get angry, and sometimes that anger gets out of hand.

You may be the type of person who gets angry easily, or you can get angry slowly. Does your anger linger or do you hold things inside of you until they explode?

Our zodiac signs are a great way to gauge our personality traits, especially when it comes to how we tend to express anger.

A horoscope can only provide so much information because no matter how your anger presents itself, no one is immune to the feelings that go with it. When this intense kind of anger arises from deep within us, it can be almost impossible to be sensitive to.

So what does this mean to you (and anyone in your way)? It means a lot of rubble, hurt feelings, and harsh words.

There are many types of anger and many ways of expressing it, but is the way you express anger just a quirk of your personality or is it determined by your zodiac sign?

Here’s how to express your anger based on your zodiac sign

1. Aries (March 21st – April 19th):

Throws a tantrum

Aries is considered the baby of the zodiac sign and they are known to explode without considering how their actions will affect others. They’re not there to gloss over their feelings, and when they’re mad at you, watch out.

The fire of their anger is easy to ignite but is quickly extinguished if the person they are yelling at does not react and remains calm. Aries cool off quickly and usually feel very sorry for their outbreak – but that won’t stop them from blowing up again soon.

2nd Taurus (April 20th – May 20th):

Builds up and then explodes

When a Taurus gets mad at you, they first give you subtle hints, go quiet and cold, and then they erupt like a volcano spewing hot anger and destroying everything in sight.

Those born under the sign of Taurus do not get angry easily, but when they do they often express their anger by throwing things and are quite capable of losing their sh * t. You don’t want to be in their line of fire.

3. Twins (May 21 – June 20):

Runs her mouth

Gemini love to talk, so it makes sense that their common form of anger expression is screaming, shouting, hurling, soul-ruining, sarcastic, and the occasional mean word. But since they’re known to have two sides to their personality, yelling isn’t the only way they express their anger.

They can also be cool and level-headed and hit your carotid artery with the perfect cutting remark. Whatever you do, do not judge the twins or give them an opinion on what to do with their life or you will be the focus of their anger.

4. CANCER (June 21st – July 22nd):

Experienced a range of emotions

When a CANCER gets angry, it first expresses it by pouting, then (if no one is caught) it moves to passive aggressiveness, and then it withdraws into its shell. Warning: once she’s in protective shell mode, don’t decide what the best plan of action is to ignore her because then you should express your love and be sweet to her.

If cancer still doesn’t get what they need, her silent anger will turn into crying, and if she is still unhappy that someone is taking her feelings seriously, she will prostrate herself. Any pent-up emotion and any unresolved sense of anger from the past will be unleashed.

5. Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd):

Roar like a lion

When Leo gets angry, they go beyond anger and end up storming with anger; they roar, and the louder and more intense their screams, the better they feel. The way they operate is in offensive language, and they tend to only think about their feelings when they are angry rather than what their outburst is doing to someone else.

They may forgive you for doing something that upset them, but they don’t very often apologize for their behavior because they’re too proud.

6. VIRGIN (August 23rd – September 22nd):

Stew in their feelings

VIRGINS are not particularly comfortable expressing their anger, so hold them back until they explode on something insignificant. Virgos’ suppressed anger often causes digestive and health problems. Virgos feel very misunderstood, and it can be confusing and uncomfortable for anyone when Virgo’s anger finally shows up.

Most of the time, it’s not about the supposedly immediate cause, but about something that happened in the distant past. VIRGIN, if you could take a moment not to cry and slam doors, you would see that no one is after you and that your opinions are valid.

7. Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd):

Looks secretly

Is there anything a Libra hates more than confrontation? Not much. Libras don’t like to show their anger as they think it’s not a very attractive emotion and it doesn’t go very well with their charming and attractive personality. While Libras try to stand above the anger, sometimes they can’t talk their way out of it and will lose it.

But when they do, they believe the way they express themselves was the best possible. Libras have a way of justifying anything, even if it’s a meltdown.

8. Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st):

Wreaking emotional havoc

Scorpios are not easy to piss off, but when they are – do whatever you can to get out of their line of fire. Their smelly eye will send chills down your spine, and the brutal and sarcastic things they say when they’re angry are brutal.

They are not a sign of forgiving and forgetting, and they can never just let go when they are angry. Beware of the angry Scorpios because the emotional destruction they wreak is not beautiful.

9th Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st):

Fireball area

Sagittarians are ruled by fire, so it makes sense that they can flare up quickly. They use their words when they are angry, but that doesn’t make it any less painful. When you’ve pissed them off, it’s not unlike them to instantly disaffect you – both on social media and in real life.

The best way to deal with a Sagittarius is to avoid them as they have a tendency to wander so far that they forget why they were upset in the first place.

Related: 10 Sagittarius Personality Traits, The Mark of the Fiery Archer

10. Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th):

Break things and stomp around

Capricorns take anger very seriously and usually don’t express it unless it’s pushed to its limit. Known for smashing anything they can get their hands on, they will cut a bitch with criticism. They are more likely to say that you let them down than how angry they are at you.

When a Capricorn is driven into an outbreak, it’s so atypical that they shock everyone around them.

11. Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th):

Break away from reality

Aquarians are usually very cool and it takes a lot to make them angry. Their first line of defense when they’re angry is to just stop talking to you, get in the car, and drive around until they feel better. They will try to ignore the source of their excitement for as long as possible in hopes that they will manage to cool off.

If they fail, they will go into extreme anger mode and eventually lose their temper. Even if they can dump all of the negative feelings they had, it can still be a while before they can talk to you again.

12. Pisces (February 19 – March):

Become an emotional roller coaster

Pisces feel emotions all the time, and that’s a good thing because they don’t get very angry often. But when they get angry, they are terrifying even though the only person they hit is themselves.

When in the midst of anger, Pisces can become violent and self-destructive, and their vivid imaginations will come off with the drama. When their anger is over, Pisces need some time for their hearts to heal.

So there you have it. These are all the zodiac signs and how they express their anger. Let us know in the comments below which zodiac sign you belong to and how you express your anger.





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