Your Zodiac Sign and the One Ex You’ll Never Get Over

We all have one ex we still think about sometimes regardless of how satisfied we are in a new relationship or single life.

This does not mean we want them back, or even that we still have unresolved emotions; rather, your time together left such an imprint that it is difficult not to imagine them when you hear a particular song or smell a familiar scent. Some zodiac couples are karmally connected and more likely to have this special bond. Here’s the zodiac sign of the ex you can’t get over, and what made your relationship so unique?

Leo and Aries

Your approach was so sincere and lighthearted; it is almost difficult to go on from this connection. Aries, you at last met someone who showers you with the accolades and attention you need without suppressing your need for autonomy. And Leo, you discovered a mate who could equal your fiery, passionate energy; she was loyal, honest, and completely fascinated by you. Like two small children playing in a fantasy world, you were the life of every party and appeared made for each other. But something went wrong: maybe you argued too much—all that passion can be a double-edged sword—let jealousy get in the way, or just grew apart. Although it will take time to heal each other, you will continue ahead and locate the correct one eventually.

Taurus and Aquarius

You two seemed to be meant to be together as you matched each other so perfectly. While offering all the patience and consistency you need, your Taurus friend helped you remain rooted in reality. Taurus, Aquarius’s unique and bold approach captivated you; it felt as though you were two unusual jigsaw pieces that fit together precisely. But your differences also affected the way you felt: Aquarius felt confined by a traditional lifestyle while Taurus sought more romance and commitment from the marriage. Your paths in life were ultimately just too different, yet your sentiments toward one another never truly changed. Though it hurts, you will both find someone who fits your aspirations for the future and way of life more closely.

Gemini and Sagittarius

Oh, this connection was interesting and neither of you will soon forget! You were constantly road-tripping, planning your next trip, or jet-setting someplace. Though you both loved being free and having fun, you also had a voracious curiosity that resulted in many long, in-depth conversations. But in this partnership, there was no anchoring factor; emotions ran strong, conflicts were common, and the pragmatic features of daily living collapsed. You could not make it work when it came to managing real life together even though you offered some incredible experiences and an unmatched mental connection. Though you will always remember your trips and talks, you will be better off with friends who can keep you grounded and enable you to achieve your goals.

Capricorn and Cancer

Given your two were such a wonderfully complementary pair, this one is almost impossible to overcome. Cancer, you were patient and compassionate enough to highlight Capricorn’s unique lovely, sensitive side. Few people have that kind of ability. And Capricorn, you gave Cancer unwavering loyalty, support, and respect, therefore making her valuable and unique. You made one another feel as though everything was possible, and perhaps you did merit a storybook existence. But your disparate values and emotional manifestations got in the path. While your capacity to communicate your emotions is commendable, you might have sounded excessively needy and clinging to Capricorn, and this could have overwhelmed a Capricorn mate. And Capricorn, you might have been too harsh, austere, or critical to make your Cancer spouse feel loved and welcomed. Though you both deserve someone who fits your temperament and values, you almost had it all.

Virgo and Libra

Though you were meant to cross each other’s paths as zodiac neighbors, you two were meant to enjoy a better friendship than a relationship. You originally seemed to complement each other: Libra helps Virgo dream large and pursue equilibrium while Virgo roots flighty air sign Libra. Others could easily grasp your relationship as you both have good work ethics and social skills. Libra could only laugh off Virgo’s complaints and pessimism for so long, though, and Virgo might have eventually lost respect for Libra’s flimsy, materialistic side. You could keep a friendship, but in a romantic sense, this relationship just wasn’t a suitable fit for you.

Scorpio and Pisces

You were drawn together exactly because two water signs know each other like nobody else. Sensing exactly how each other felt and thought, you could virtually speak practically silently. Given your sensitivity, which would make you never want to hurt your spouse, you took great care of one another’s hearts and feelings. Though the truth is you might have this psychic connection with any other water sign partner or even a close friend, it’s easy to mistake it as a soulmate tie. PPerhaps  Pisces’ depressed moods or unrealistic notions and expectations bugging Scorpio, or maybe Scorpio’s outbursts and vengefulness had gotten under Pisces’ skin. Given your great similarity, you might also have reflected on each other’s negative traits and harmful behaviors. It didn’t work out, but you can develop as close of a relationship with someone else; your link is derived from your sensitivity and empathy, therefore you can have that once more in another relationship.





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