Your Perfect Soulmate, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Soulmates: They’re your best friend and your intellectual equal. You can talk about a complex and interesting article you sent them during the day and laugh about silly stuff an hour later. With them, you have a serious companionship, one that stimulates you mentally as much as it does sexually. They empower you to want to be your best self, but reassure you that you’re still loved you’re still loved even if you aren’t.


Soulmates: You’re comfortable expressing your feelings with them. You inherently trust them and don’t feel as though they have to “earn” anything. More importantly, you have similar values and desires. You both love spending time with friends or want minimalist decor in your bedroom, etc. You thrive when you’re wining, dining, and at your absolute best with them.


Soulmates: The love is big and loud. You feel more for them than you have in your last three relationships combined. You’re best friends, passionate lovers, and you feel like you’ve come alive since you met them. You can talk to them forever, and your relationship only deepens and intensifies with time.


Soulmates: They are your emotional balance. Your love for them is indescribable and likely unexpected. They listen to you, and your relationship with them is open. As relationships in your life either soothe you or make you more anxious, they fall into the former camp. They’re your sounding board and your most trusted confidante. You are as comfortable with them as you are happy to be around them. You make each other laugh, and you know that you have someone you can rely on no matter what.


Soulmates: You’re proud to be with them. You’re proud of who you are when you’re with them. You are almost immediately territorial of them and think of them as an extension of yourself. There’s almost nothing you wouldn’t do for this person, and you are happy to see that the same is true for them.


Soulmates: They love you unconditionally. You might not have the perfect relationship, but it doesn’t matter. You find their quirks endearing and never have to wonder whether or not you’re truly loved. You feel completely safe, yet almost unbelievably happy. You want to take care of them, and though you express your affection gradually, it’s completely genuine.


Soulmates: With this person, you have the trifecta: a best friend by day, a passionate lover by night, and a relationship you’re proud to be in all the time. This is your truest, greatest love, and you both know it. You’re constantly being swept off your feet, and yet, at the same time, you feel more balanced and secure than ever.


Soulmates: You think they are the absolute best person in the world. You are not enamored by them and find yourself perpetually intrigued, always learning more and more. You feel an intense, almost scary, love for them, and they turn your world upside down. Once the initial intensity simmers down, you find yourself being extremely loyal to them, no matter what.


Soulmates: They make you come alive. With them, you are your funniest, most charismatic self. You want to travel the world with them, yet build a home together at the same time. This person makes you do things you swore you’d never even consider (like marriage – gasp!) and it’s almost instantaneous. You want to keep sharing deeper and deeper levels of love and intimacy with them. A relationship that doesn’t evolve isn’t one you’re interested in – thankfully, there’s tons here to be explored.


Soulmates: Neither of you is playing games – this is your life partner, and you know it. You almost immediately start making long-term plans, but this doesn’t intimidate you; it makes you feel more settled and ready to open up. You share everything with this person, least of all your most intimate thoughts and feelings, and you’re focused on growth and continued partnership.


Soulmates: You would do anything for this person, and often do. You feel an almost immediate need to care for them in the most basic ways, such as building a home together or cooking. You’re swept away by them, but you also feel very settled. You know you have both a true companion and a romantic partner. Though you’re territorial and protective of them at first, you know they’re yours forever.


Soulmates: This person is your muse. They are the ones who write poems about and think about constantly… their face even appear in your dreams. You are absolutely head-over-heels for this person, and they inspire all kinds of creative outpourings. Sure, your fears come up with just as much intensity, but overall, you’re in love with the kind of love that this specific person can give you, and you can’t imagine it ever being different





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