Your Love Tarotscope For Venus In Aquarius (12/7-1/2)


Your Card: The Emperor

Has your relationship become routine? When Venus enters unconventional Aquarius, it’s a time for exploring and experimenting. Finding ways to bring excitement back into your relationship can lead to a new beginning for you and your partner. Use the next few weeks to seek out new experiences together. Be daring. Spice it up. Confess your kinks. Get closer through adventure. If you’re single, you’ll be feeling even more confident and assertive during this transit. So, express your desires and needs, enforce boundaries, flirt, and go after who you want. You’re in the driver’s seat of your love life. With Venus giving your social life a boost for the rest of 2024, you might have romantic sparks with a new kindred spirit while you’re booked and busy.


Your Card: Ace of Cups, reversed

Whether you’re cuffed or unattached, romance is far from your mind during this Venus transit in Aquarius. Your focus right now is (and should remain) on investing in yourself. When the Ace of Cups shows up in reverse, it’s a reminder to pour your energy into making yourself feel fulfilled and nurturing your passions. With Venus traveling through your Tenth House of career and legacy, you’re taking steps to get more in alignment with your ambitions. This includes rediscovering your inspiration and motivation. Words of advice: To get inspired, you must reconnect with yourself and replenish your spirit. This card is all about giving yourself love. So, whether someone has you feeling depleted, you’re experiencing a loss of faith in love, or there’s a wound you need to heal, you know what to do.


Your Card: Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles indicates that you’re experiencing feelings of hopelessness, despair, or loneliness in love. Perhaps you’ve lost faith that you’ll ever meet the right person—don’t give up hope yet. Use this time alone to become completely self-sufficient and to come to fully know your worth. With Venus activating your Ninth House of expansion and adventure, challenge yourself to release old beliefs that confine your love life and keep you from opening up. Taking yourself outside of your comfort zone might lead to finding romance in an unexpected place. Committed Geminis, this card depicts hardship in your relationship—scarcity, abandonment, or a wall between you and your partner. Use this transit to recommit and get close again. Explore new ways of experiencing romance together. Have an honest conversation. If it can’t be mended or anyone’s needs can’t be met, the right thing to do is to walk away.


Your Card: Eight of Pentacles, reversed

Venus sails through your powerful Eight House of transformation and intimacy. During this transit, your focus needs to be on making radical shifts in how you approach emotional intimacy and deep connections. The reversal of the Eight of Pentacles indicates that there are improvements needed in your relationship. If you want to maintain it, you’re going to have to put in conscious effort into making it work. Have an honest conversation about any issues you may be having and how you’re going to fix them. Both parties need to devote themselves to meeting the other’s needs. Whether you’re taken or single, this is a time for letting go of old relationship patterns. What cycles, beliefs, and habits do you need to break to cultivate a thriving and fulfilling relationship? Are you bringing your best self to the table? What self-work have you been avoiding that prevents you from embracing true vulnerability?


Your Card: The Magician

The Magician is a powerful and magical card of manifestation and endless possibilities. With Venus electrifying your Seventh House of partnership, one-on-one relationships, and marriage, you could manifest your soulmate during this time. Get clear on your intentions for love and about all qualities you desire in a partner. Write them down. Visualize the relationship of your dreams and how it makes you feel. Seek out authentic connections. The planet of love is in unconventional Aquarius, which means you should be opening yourself up to those who challenge your ideas about love and life. Connection might arrive somewhere unexpected with someone who teaches you something new. Don’t run away because they’re not your usual type. Committed Leos, your focus should be on bringing excitement and experimentation into your relationship. Nourish a stronger and deeper connection with your partner. Now’s a good time to discuss your vision of the future together.


Your Card: The Hanged Man

Right now, you need to be taking a pause when it comes to matters of the heart. Your focus should be on reflection and gaining a new perspective. Don’t try to force anything right now—not a new relationship, not a higher level of commitment, not getting on the same timelines with your partner, not happiness and satisfaction. The Hanged Man urges stillness. Venus moves through your Sixth House of wellness and routine, signaling a time to prioritize self-love, your personal well-being, bringing beauty into your daily life, achieving new insights to romance, and breaking unhealthy love patterns. Whether you’re unattached or committed, surrender to the present and to yourself, Virgo. Observe how your outlook might change when you spend introspective time solo. You’re either going to come out of transit stronger together or stronger alone.


Your Card: The Lovers

Venus lights up your romance, self-expression, and creativity sector, bringing forth passion and pleasure in your life during the next few weeks. Whether you’re boo’d up or single, The Lovers promise deep spiritual connection, intense sexual energy, affection, sensuality, balance, and harmony during this transit. There are exciting new beginnings coming your way. Remain open to them. Libras looking for love, it’s time to turn up the charm. Put yourself out there, you’ll be turning heads in every room you walk into. The romantic possibilities are endless. You’re likely to meet someone who lights your fire and stimulates you intellectually and mentally. Committed Leos are feeling closer than ever to their significant other. Think of a special way to strengthen and renew your commitment to one another. Scream your love from the rooftops. Find new ways to express how much your lover means to you.


Your Card: Five of Cups, reversed

As Venus transits your zone of home and emotional foundations, you need to be cleaning house, so to speak. The reversal of the Five of Cups, which calls on you to clear toxic energy from your life, emphasizes this. Is there a situationship or long-term partner who makes you consistently feel awful? Time to snap through the cord and cut your losses. Do you keep falling into the same relationship habits and relearning the same lessons? Time to break those unhealthy cycles and patterns. Are you still not over someone from your past? Use these next few weeks to finish grieving, cut your attachment, and finally move forward. Is there a wound or heartbreak you still carry? Focus on healing it. Start looking toward your future. It’s the only way you’re going to attract a deep connection that feeds your soul.


Your Card: Five of Wands

If someone is making you feel like you have to compete for their attention and affection, then you need to take yourself out of the race. You’re way too much of a catch to be wasting your time on someone who doesn’t look at you like you are the sun. They want to weigh out their options? Make it easier for them by removing yourself as one. Right now, Venus is sparking your curiosity, drawing you towards intriguing and stimulating connections. Allow yourself to do some exploring. Sags in relationships, there’s a simmering conflict causing a strain between you and your partner. The key during this transit is communication, especially with your Third House activated. Remain open and honest. Talking it out with your boo and being receptive to their point of view will draw you close again. Injecting some lightheartedness and playfulness into your connection wouldn’t hurt, either.


Your Card: Knight of Pentacles, reversed

Venus in Aquarius landing in your Second House has you challenging your perspectives when it comes to stability and abundance in relationships. As you break free from limiting beliefs around your self-worth and value, you find yourself desiring more in love and romance. Maybe you and your partner have gotten too comfortable and content. A stable, secure connection does not have to mean monotony. Use this transit to invite the sparks back into your relationship. How can you be bringing novelty and passion back into your connection? If you’re single, you need to start taking more emotional risks. You have the power to dictate how your love life goes. Do you want to keep closing yourself off? Do you want to keep wasting your time on someone who’s indecisive about you or sends you mixed signals? Do you want someone who feels safe but isn’t right, or do you want to open yourself up to someone who might terrify you and challenge you but makes you feel alive?


Your Card: Four of Pentacles, reversed

With Venus transiting through your First House, you are experiencing a fresh, new beginning when it comes to love. This can mean a new connection, a new attitude, or renewed hope. The windows of your heart are wide open and the breeze is blowing in. The reversal of the Four of Pentacles ushers in openness in your romantic relationships. Whatever barriers exist between you and your partner, you’re breaking them down and connecting again. You’re letting go of insecurities and old resentments. If old wounds have been holding you back from seeking romance again, this transit is going to help your release the past. Clinging on to it only serves to make you guarded and bring you isolation. Let yourself embrace vulnerability again.


Your Card: Justice

Justice is a card of karma, attraction, and cause and effect. With Venus activating your mystical Twelfth House of spirituality and subconscious, this means that you need to be putting in the work to heal if you want to attract the right love. Your relationships will only mirror the one you have with yourself. In order to embrace abundance in romance, you’ve got to let go of old wounds, limiting beliefs, and unhealthy patterns. Value and respect yourself enough to make the changes you need to make. If you love yourself the way you should, the person of your dreams will, too. For those in relationships, Justice calls on you to hold yourself and your partner accountable. Have you been meeting each other’s needs? Are there any hidden truths you need to confront in your relationship? How could you be fostering more balance and harmony in your union?

Your Love Tarotscope For Venus In Aquarius (12/7-1/2)
Your Love Tarotscope For Venus In Aquarius (12/7-1/2)





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