Your Chinese Zodiac and Tarot Predictions for the Year of the Snake (2025)


Intellectual – The Seven of Pentacles. You have a clear goal in mind and know that you need to put in the time and effort required to achieve it and regularly assess your progress along the way. It is preferable to exert effort steadily rather than erratically.

Emblem—The Eight of Wands. Once you discover your ideal exercise program, you’ll see results more quickly than you anticipated, thanks to your increased access to latent energy stores.

Divination – The Nine of Wands (Inverted).  A major spiritual breakthrough is about to occur in your life. That might mean a lot of different things to different people. It could mean breaking free of restrictive ideas or previous systems or structures that held you back.


Reversed Six of Pentacles – Mind. Your generosity with your time has never wavered, but this year, you must be very selective with how you use this invaluable asset. Keep in mind that genuine generosity is selfless.

Section—The Seven of Cu Ps. Achieve a lofty objective by focusing on the big picture and remembering your dreams along the way. Creating mental images of your accomplishments will do double duty: they will motivate you and clarify the steps you need to follow to reach your goals.

A reversed seven of swords represents spirit. Feelings of mindlessly going through the motions will eventually go away. The condition was like a spiritualized form of impostor syndrome. You’ll realize that you no longer need to control your appearance and can instead be yourself.


Thoughts – The Seven of Swords. You’d better be crafty if you want to make it past all the treachery and resistance you’re sure to encounter. Making sure you give yourself time to relax is crucial if you want to keep your mind sharp.

Chest – The Three of Wands, Inverted.  There will be many physical obstacles that you must overcome this year. Your goals will seem more achievable if you set milestones along the way. Never allow setbacks and difficulties to cause you to lose focus on your aspirations.

Psyche – Inverted Ace of Cups. Your heart will be opened to greater options once you undergo a lot of spiritual turmoil. Thanks to your newfound openness and the adjustments you’ve made to your emotional approach, you can now show yourself the love and affirmation you deserve.


Reversed Fool – Mind. You may develop a hypervigilant state due to your extreme concern about potential dangers. Rather than becoming paralyzed by self-analysis or engaging in doomscrolling, focus on the times when you have an influence. There should be your concentration and, by extension, your work.

The—- The Three of Wands, Inverted. A methodical approach will serve you well as you confront the many physical obstacles ahead. Dividing your large ideas into smaller, more manageable ones will make them much easier to handle.

The Ace of Wands is Spirit. Feelings of ardor and inspiration will wash over you on a spiritual level. Being true to yourself and acting with your principles will become second nature to you. Not only will your energy propel you forward, but it will also motivate those around you to follow their dreams.


Three of Wands – Mind.  You will broaden your intellect through exploration. Your aspirations and the resourcefulness you’ll need to overcome obstacles will both expand in tandem with your mind, and you might just discover that these factors lead you to incredible chances. Keep your mind on the small steps that will add up to a bigger total. Calm down. Pay attention. In due time, all will be resolved.

The body – Sword King.  Building strength is going to be a theme for your year, and not only in terms of physical health and weightlifting prowess. More importantly, it’s about learning to harness the power of harmony between your mind, spirit, and body as a source of inspiration.

The Spirit—Pentacles’ Leading Lady. A spiritually fruitful year has been meticulously planned for you. If you can comprehend the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, you will have a meaningful year and advance in your spiritual activities.


A mind like a knight’s.This is your year, and you’re prepared to go headfirst into it. Your enthusiasm and plans to conquer the world are boundless. Your current line of thought is going to have a profound and unprecedented impact on your life.

Continent— Inverted Three of Cups You will face many physical demands this yea. Iff you start to feel exhausted, you must give yourself time and space to recover. Embrace the obstacles you encounter as opportunities to discover fresh methods of connecting with your physical self.

A reversed Five of Cups represents spirit.  You have been subjected to a spiritual test. You have permitted yourself to let go of outdated beliefs; now, before you become stuck, you must continue.


Thoughts – Justice Inverted. You may be compelled to make amends for some of your past decisions as you struggle to psychologically distance yourself from the unfairness you perceive all around you. Trust your judgment.

Major Arcana – The Ace of Pentacles in reverse positioning. If you’re like most people, keeping to your New Year’s resolutions has been a real challenge for you. Simplicity is key. Think about how you may make do with what you already have rather than what you feel you require.

Four of Pentacles – Spirit.D on’t hoard the spiritual energy that will be bestowed upon you; instead, channel it into strengthening the bonds in your relationships.


Three of Pentacles – Mind. Working together and taking action as a group will a be lot less of a challenge this year. Many chances will present themselves for you to get a deeper comprehension of how to accomplish shared objectives through the coordinated effort of individuals and groups within a community.

Section—The Inverted Page of Pentacles. Focusing so intently on a task that you fail to take care of your health is possible. Lean into your physical connection and try to avoid this. Make sure you give yourself the time and physical breaks you need daily and check in with yourself.

Reversed Spirit – Strength. Being soft-spoken is more effective than being forceful. Take it easy on yourself and don’t put pressure on yourself to be an inspiration of spiritual resilience.


Three of Pentacles, Reverse— Mind. You may find yourself in numerous group settings this year so, you should prepare to confront manys obstacles and spend a lot of mental energy trying to figure out how to overcome them. As you begin to incorporate teamwork into your routine, make sure to give yourself time to relax and recharge.

Divinity – The Four of Pentacles.  Although you’ll have boundless energy, you might choose to conserve some of it rather than “leave it all on the field” due to difficulties you’ve faced in the past.

ThSpirit-Inverseded Page of Cups. The indications are all around you if you just keep your heart and mind open.


Cognitive – The Eight of Swords. The mental gymnastics you’re about to engage in could lead you to overanalyze your situation and convince yourself that you’re helpless against it. When you feel that way, it’s important to stand back and reevaluate your viewpoint.

Internal – The Five of Pentacles. Many of the physical obstacles you’ve encountered this year are also the kind that have the potential to drain your emotional and spiritual reserves. Opportunities for assistance are everywhere; you may just need to search in unusual locations to find them.

Psyche – Inverted Three of CupsToto sort through your feelings and ideas, you might need to spend some time alone this year.


Reflection – The Two Swords. There are plenty of moments when we’re faced with tough decisions that we’re not entirely informed about. You risk overthinking unless you strike a good balance.

Figure—The Knight of Pentacles. Setting up powerful habits that will enhance your overall health could feel like hundreds of tiny steps, but that’s just because that’s what they are. In the long run, it will be more successful to concentrate on developing habits rather than outcomes.

The Sorcerer-Spirit.The ability and means to manifest your ideal life and universe are at your fingertips at this very moment. You already possess the necessary spiritual insight; it has always been with you.


Concept – The Lover(s). A lot of decisions will test youideasls and help you discover who you are as an individual. In concerns of love and companionship, in particular, you must act rationally and make prudent decisions.

Divinity – The Four of Pentacles. Since you’ve been through a lot recently, you’ll notice that you’re conserving a lot of physical energy. You will see consistent progress if you put your effort where it will do the most good.

A reversed seven of wands represents spirit I  understand how you feel. Get some rest and re-center yourself before you push yourself too far. Focusing on the person you aspire to be can help you regain focus when you feel overwhelmed.





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