Christmas: You do not have to spend time with toxic family members over the holidays. You are allowed to keep your distance from the people who will cause you stress.
You do not have to spend all of your money on presents to prove you care about someone over the holidays. The thought matters more than the price tag.
You are allowed to eat Christmas cookies candy canes and hot chocolate. You are allowed to enjoy the holiday season without worrying about your weight.
You are not supposed to be doing everything for everyone. You can spread kindness around this time of year without completely burning yourself out.
You are not a Grinch for getting annoyed at holiday songs or for skipping the decorating this year. You are allowed to celebrate the holidays in your way.
When you are spreading kindness this holiday season, do not forget to show kindness to yourself.
Cherish the time you have with your loved ones. Enjoy the moment while it lasts because Christmas will be here and gone before you realize it.
Even though the holidays are approaching quickly, that does not give you an excuse to get lazy. You still have responsibilities.
Remember the holidays are about more than presents. Material items do not matter nearly as much as people.
Around this time of year, do not hold back your love. Wear your heart on your sleeve for once.
Do not forget to let your loved ones know how much they mean to you. Do not forget to send them a text (or a card) to let them know you are thinking of them.
You do not have to fake happiness, even though everyone expects you to be in a good mood this time of year. If you are not okay, it is okay to admit it