Do you anticipate receiving a huge fortune in 2025?
Your New Year’s financial vibe is reflected in the music you select. For a tarot reading that forecasts your economic status, choose the song and lyrics that most speak to you at this moment.
Reading 1: Hall & Oates’ “Rich Girl”
The World, the Knight of Swords, and the 2 of Swords are your cards.
According to the King of Swords, you used to have a strong sense of drive and ambition for your financial objectives. You still had to struggle and put in a lot of effort to succeed, but you were able to overcome any barriers in your way to achieve your goals. The 2 of Swords suggests that you are currently at a turning point in your life; you might feel stuck or uncertain about how to proceed financially. Because you lack the knowledge necessary to move forward with confidence, you are racked with indecision. When this card comes up in a reading, it is important to wait and conduct additional investigation. Until you are positive about what you are doing and new information becomes available, you should not proceed. You are discovering that although money is important, it “won’t get you too far” and isn’t the most important thing in life, much like the lyrics of this Hall & Oates song. The world foretells your success in the future; you are destined to make wise choices and achieve financial fulfillment. You might be rewarded with a trip, or maybe an upcoming trip will provide the answers you’re looking for. You simply need to wait for the solutions to come to you when the time is right. Despite your current unease, things will turn out well in 2025.
Reading 2: ABBA’s “Money, Money, Money”
Your cards are the 9 of Pentacles, the King of Cups, and the Judgement.
Your financial situation has always been under your control, according to the King of Cups. You don’t let money affect your mood too much, so you don’t suffer from money vigilance or avoidance. You have addressed financial issues head-on and worked hard to attain success. The Judgment card signifies that you are now in a moment of change. You are waking up to new ideas and ways of making money. Perhaps you are interested in changing careers, making some interesting (but hazardous) investments, or having a joint account with a partner. You may be apprehensive about making these adjustments because your previous financial management strategy has worked so successfully for you. As this ABA song puts it, you realize that “it’s a rich man’s world,” and you don’t want to lose anything. The 9 of Pentacles, however, indicates that success will eventually follow this period of adjustment. By 2025, you should be financially independent, but don’t forget to recognize your accomplishments and treat yourself for all of your hard work and smart choices!
Reading 3: Ariana Grande’s “7 Rings”
Your Cards: 5 of Swords, 7 of Pentacles, Strength
The 5 of Swords signifies that you’ve struggled with money in the past. You’ve had to endure major financial challenges, possibly through no fault of your own or owing to reckless spending and making poor decisions. But you’ve learned some vital lessons from these challenges, and you won’t make the same mistakes again. But, as Grande sings in this song, “Whoever said money can’t solve your problems must not have had enough money to solve ’em.” You may be in a financial bind right now because of your past. The 7 of Pentacles suggests that you are presently moving steadily and slowly in the direction of your financial objectives. Your greatest resources for resolving financial difficulties are your patience and persistence, whether you’re saving money or paying off debt. According to the Strength card, your efforts will be rewarded; if you work hard, have courage, and give the situation enough time, you will eventually succeed. According to this reading, you are headed toward financial success and should not rush things. If you continue to work hard, you will reach your financial objectives by 2025.