Why You Feel So Behind In Life, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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You feel behind in life because you were such a success when you were younger. Now, you feel like a disappointment, like you aren’t reaching your full potential. But that’s not true at all. You’re doing much better than you’ve been telling yourself and you should be proud.

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You feel behind in life because you’re surrounded by the wrong people. People who are pointing out your flaws and focusing on what you’re doing wrong. You need to find a better support system. Find people who are on your side, who encourage you, not diminish you.

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You feel behind in life because you aren’t sure exactly what you want. You aren’t sure what you should be aiming to reach. Since you aren’t sure what your endpoint looks like, you aren’t sure how far you are along your journey, and that’s scary. But remember, it’s okay if you’re still figuring things out. You have time.

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You feel behind in life because you went through a setback and had to start from scratch. Even though this might feel like the end of the world, it’s actually the start of something better. Remember, it’s better to start over than to stay stuck in the wrong situation, so you’re actually in a great position.

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You feel behind in life because you set a timeline for yourself when you were younger and weren’t able to stick to it. But it’s impossible to predict your future. Your younger self had no idea what kind of challenges you’d face — or what kind of successes you’d see.

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You feel behind in life because you’re comparing your journey to the people around you. You’re assuming they’re in the right place and you’re in the wrong one, when really, there is no right or wrong.

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You feel behind in life because you’re making progress much slower than you had hoped. But you need to remember, success takes time. Keep moving slow and steady. As long as you’re not staying stagnant, you’re doing the right thing.

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You feel behind in life because you don’t have some of the material items your peers have, whether that’s a house or a car or a new computer. But you need to remember, money doesn’t determine your value. It doesn’t determine your worth in any real sense.

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You feel behind in life because you aren’t sure if you still want what you used to want. You aren’t sure whether you should reroute and change directions or keep chugging along. Just remember, it’s okay to change your mind at any time. You aren’t stuck with the decisions your past self has made.

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You feel behind in life because you are way too hard on yourself. Your expectations are too high. While it’s important to set goals for yourself, you can’t kick yourself for not reaching them. As long as you’re trying your hardest, that’s all that matters.

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You feel behind in life because you are stuck in place. You haven’t been seeing the results you’ve been craving even though you’ve been working your ass off. But you can’t control when you see results. You can only control your own actions. And you’re doing everything right.

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You feel behind in life because you’re chasing after what others want instead of what you want. Even when others view you as successful, you don’t feel successful because you’re following their dreams instead of your own. Just remember, it’s never too late to fix this. To chase after what your heart wants for a change.

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