Which Zodiac Broke Your Heart And Hurt You The Most

We’ve all been there – falling in love with someone and envisioning a future together, only to have our dreams crushed when things ended badly. Heartbreak is the worst, and the pain is almost physical as well as emotional. Every zodiac has had their heart broken by another star sign. This doesn’t mean they are astrologically incompatible – after all, they had to have some level of compatibility to fall for each other in the first place. But there is always that one sign that can hurts you the most, based on astrology. Here are the zodiacs who broke each other’s hearts and why.

Aries: Gemini

You thought you found your perfect match, didn’t you, Aries? Geminis are so playful, fun, smart, and exciting, that it’s easy to see why you fell for one. You never do anything by halves, and you gave this relationship your all. But they were too fickle, too inconsistent, and maybe had a wandering eye – they excited you, but you never really felt safe with them, did you? Well, that gut instinct was proven right when either a disastrous argument, dishonesty, or infidelity put the final nail in the coffin of this relationship. You still think about them from time to time, but you were burned too badly to ever date a Gemini again.

Taurus: Sagittarius

They crushed your heart, didn’t they, sweet Taurus? You are strong, charming, and reliable, but you’ve never been the most adventurous. The Sagittarius you loved made you feel alive – this zodiac is so fun and spontaneous that itbringst a spark of excitement into your life. You hit it off at first, but then they made you feel like you weren’t enough – you wanted to stay home, they wanted to go out. You wanted to relax, they were always on the go. Please remember that you’re perfect as you are; that one Sagittarius just wasn’t the right match for you.

Talk about intense – that Scorpio sure left a lasting impression, didn’t they, Gemini? Having the attention of a Scorpio can feel wonderful – they put all their focus on you, want to learn every little thing about you and find you endlessly fascinating. You thought you’d found someone who finally understood you – until they didn’t. They were so possessive, so controlling, and they knew just how to hit below the belt during arguments. This relationship probably ended in flames, and you’ll never look twice at another Scorpio again.

You always give your whole heart in relationships, dear Cancer, and this time you thought you’d found someone who could love you back just as hard. Leos are so charming, charismatic, and generous; it’s easy to see why you fell for one. But then it all fell apart – they loved going out and being around people when they just wanted to spend quality time alone together. No matter how much attention and affection you gave them, it was never enough – they nneededadmiration from everyone, and sometimes you felt like maybe they were interested in someone else. After a beautiful honeymoon phase, insecurity and fighting plagued your relationship. You deserve someone who prioritizes your emotions and makes you feel like you’re more than enough.

You may still be healing from the Capricorn who broke your heart, vivacious Leo. But perhaps, in retrospect, you can see that all they did was dull your sparkle and crush your spirits. You need lots of praise and affection, and Capricorns aren’t always capable of providing that. And they can be so critical and negative, it brings down your mood and hurts your feelings. Even your bright, resilient spirit can only take so much. You are much better off with someone who matches your positive energy and makes you feel like a winner.

You’re so careful, dear Virgo, especially when it comes to love – but even you couldn’t see the heartbreak from an Aquarius coming. You took your time getting to know each other, had deep, honest conversations, and seemed so into each other – until, suddenly, they ghosted you or did something else to prove that they weren’t really who you thought they were. You don’t entrust your heart to just anyone, so it’s more than disappointing that this relationship didn’t work out – it’s downright painful. Just know that you didn’t do anything wrong, and there’s nothing you could have done to change the outcome. Aquarians are just too unreliable and closed off to be the right partner for you.

Everything seemed so wonderful in the beginning, didn’t it, sweet Libra? Few zodiacs are as romantic as you are, but with a Pisces, you thought you’d met your match. You both adore being in love and enjoy making grand romantic gestures for one another. The cracks started showing when neither of you could ever decide where to go to dinner, or you refused to stand up for each other. Then, either Pisces stopped trying and made you carry all the weight of the relationship, or they decided you weren’t their fantasy partner, after all. Although you appeared so compatible at first, it just wasn’t meant to be, and that hurts. But there are plenty of other fish in the sea (pun intended), and you are better off with someone more consistent, practical, and decisive.

You gave an Aries your entire heart and they just ripped it right out of your chest, didn’t they, dear Scorpio? Your zodiacs have a special celestial bond because they are both ruled by Mars, the planet of sex, passion, and aggression (Scorpio also has Pluto as the primary guiding planet). Thanks to Mars, your connection was intense and intimate, but not without conflict. You loved just as hard as you fought, and you thought the relationship could survive anything. But when an Aries is done with a relationship, they’re done – there’s no looking back or staying friends. And you became so attached that it was like losing a limb when they left. But when you recover, you’ll find love with someone who is an even better match for you – someone who will understand your profound emotions and return your unwavering devotion.

Sagittarius: Virgo

You have thick skin, sunny Sagittarius, but there is one zodiac sign who knows how to push all your buttons. A Virgo left you heartbroken and made you weep. You have a sharp tongue and can exchange barbs with the best of them, but no one hits below the belt quite like a Virgo. Their criticisms are quick, mean, and (unfortunately) a little accurate. Although they admired your adventurous spirit at first, eventually they made you feel like you were too flaky, silly, or even stupid. But you are perfect just the way you are – you’ll find someone who loves your optimistic, carefree spirit and won’t try to change you.

Capricorn: Cancer

You finally let your guard down and let someone in, cautious Capricorn, only to have a Cancer completely crush your spirit and break your heart. You seemed like such a complementary couple – they were sensitive and vulnerable, and you were stoic and tough. You opened up in ways you never did before because they made you feel safe. But when things stopped working, you felt like all that emotional energy and time you invested in the relationship was worthless. Don’t let one bad experience keep you from opening up again – keep your walls down, and the right person will come to you.

Aquarius: Taurus

You tend to avoid committed relationships anyway, quirky Aquarius, so it hurts even more when you finally settle down with someone, only for them to break your heart. You hit it off with a Taurus immediately, and it’s rare for you to have such a profound instant connection with someone. But then they started hiding things, making you feel like you weren’t good enough, or even betraying you. Or maybe the relationship became stagnant, and you both felt the strain but couldn’t let go. Either way, you ended up hurt and confused. Just because this Taurus wasn’t the right person for you doesn’t mean you should give up on love. Stay open to finding your soulmate, and someone will come along and sweep you off your feet.

Pisces: Libra

You’re no stranger to heartbreak, sweet Pisces because you want true love so badly that you keep putting yourself out there. When you met a Libra, you thought the soulmate search was over – you two seemed like such a dream team with so much in common. But after a while, your similarities became a problem – you’re both too accommodating and people-pleasing, and it damaged the relationship. But you had plenty of differences too – perhaps your Libra made you feel like you were too sensitive, impractical, or even foolish. And they didn’t prioritize the relationship as much as you did. You can only go with the flow for so long until you reach a boiling point – when it ended, you were left heartbroken, once again. But you are so much stronger than you even know, Pisces and your fairytale romance is coming. Just keep dreaming and believing, and true love will find you in the end





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