What’s Haunting You This Halloween? (Astrology + Tarot Reading)


Your Card: Seven of Cups

Halloween: Things may be incredibly up in the air right now regarding a romantic connection. Though on the surface there aren’t any problems that you can specifically articulate, there may be something beneath the surface that is bothering you. With the Seven of Cups in your reading, this could indicate that while there aren’t any inherent problems within this connection you need to worry about, toxic relationship dynamics from your past may be haunting you, causing you to overthink everything and look for problems where there aren’t any. The Seven of Cups tarot card represents romantic illusions with Venus in Scorpio. Though you are trying to protect your feelings, this guardedness could negatively impact potential commitments. You must decipher between intuition and anxiety, Aries, otherwise, you may be doomed to fall into old patterns that you thought you fully worked through. Halloween can represent ego death. It is Scorpip season, and this sign is associated with the Death tarot card representing rebirth. Your attention will be drawn toward uncovering the hidden mysteries of your past, how those entanglements are still affecting you now, and shedding the parts of your ego that are holding you back from embracing love. Don’t let this fear of getting hurt or losing this connection become a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Your Card: Ace of Wands

This Halloween, your ego may be at odds with your heart and desires, Taurus. The Ace of Wands represents a burning passion that has the power to either create something beautiful or destroy everything. With that being said, you have a choice to make. How will you choose to use this energy? You may not see things as clearly as you think, Taurus, and could act out in ways you might regret. Make sure you take a step back and regroup with your thoughts before using this energy depicted in the Ace of Wands destructively. If you’ve received any unfavorable or disappointing information, make sure you don’t act out impulsively. Trying to undo what has already been done will lead to more problems. You may find yourself at odds with the wishes or preferences of another person and a refusal to accept the reality of things could blow things up out of proportion. This could be regarding a relatively new connection in which you are unsure of the other person’s motives or head space. You may not realize it, but this disagreement and refusal to accept what is could be a result of your ego fighting against you. If you are unable to separate yourself from a false identity, then the ghosts on Halloween won’t be the only thing haunting you.


Your Card: The Chariot

Such as the Law of Least Resistance, it’s always when you’ve finally moved on from an ex-lover or fling that they come back. As indicated by the Law of Least Resistance, the more we can let go of a desired outcome or a certain wish, the more likely it is to occur. Through October you may have found yourself romantically connecting with someone new. There is great potential here and you’re finally entering a place where you’re ready to move on from the past. However, this Halloween, you may be haunted by the ghost of ex-lovers past. If you receive a text or call from someone you used to date or shared a tumultuous entanglement with, be wary of Gemini. You’re in a place where you can make a clean break and move on to someone who truly cares about you. With The Chariot, you may find yourself pulled in two different directions. Though you are excited about the potential of this fresh romantic connection, you may be simultaneously holding on to a past that still haunts you deep down within. You must find inner balance and stability to move forward and returning to the past could prevent this from happening.


Your Card: Two of Cups

Love takes work, Cancer. And although we share deep feelings of affection and love for those we hold closest, such as a partner or friendships, there will be those moments where that connection is tested. There may be certain things on your mind regarding either a close friendship or your partner. If you’re unable to communicate these thoughts or feelings, it could grow into resentment. You might be naive as to the difficulties of love and must find a way to meet in the middle. This Halloween, you may be feeling haunted by certain actions or comments that your partner or close friend may have said or done. Keeping these things on your chest will only make things worse. Don’t think that by addressing what is on your mind you will upset them. You have a right to say what is on your mind. Understand that issues in love are completely normal, but again, love isn’t meant to be as easy as it was in the beginning. Perhaps you and a partner are slowly coming out of the honeymoon phase and are being tested in ways you didn’t anticipate. You can overcome these problems but again, it’s going to take some work.


Your Card: Five of Cups

The Five of Cups tarot card illustration depicts a person staring down in grief at the fallen cups, ignoring the upright cups in the planned site. This person is choosing to focus on the negative as opposed to finding gratitude in the things that they do have. This illustration may perfectly encapsulate what is haunting you this Halloween, Leo. Something in the recent past may still be on your mind. Perhaps a recent breakup of some sort or having to let go of a dream you once had for yourself and the future. I know things are hard, but pitying yourself will not make anything better. Choosing to ignore whatever silver linings may be present and wallowing in this grief will only prolong the pain. Don’t let whatever is bringing you grief or heartache ruin your Halloween night. Instead of longing for the past, look towards the future and what lies ahead. Grow from this pain, and learn from the past. By doing that you will be able to find peace again.


Your Card: Two of Swords

Memories that once made you happy may now bring you pain to recall. That is the first thing that came to mind when I pulled the Two Swords for your reading. Take that with a grain of salt as it may or may not resonate with you depending on who is reading. With that said, I’m also getting the sense that as Halloween approaches, you may be haunted by a choice you must make and the potential long-term consequence of that choice. You may be realizing that for things to change for the better, you’re going to have to take action, Virgo. The Two of Swords indicates inaction on your end. A stalemate between two opposing forces of some sort. This may be in regards to someone you’ve been on unsteady grounds with, or perhaps this has to do with the current trajectory of your life. You seem to be wavering between complete confidence in your choices and total indecision. Halloween night may offer you more details or insight but ultimately it must be you who takes action. You can’t wait around for things to just fall into place, Virgo. You’re going to have to play an active role regarding whatever matters are at hand right now. The universe has sent you the signs, now it’s up to you to interpret those signs and make the choice that feels right to you.


Your Card: Knight of Cups

Typically you believe in weighting both sides of the coin equally. You’re quite good at playing devil’s advocate and finding a way to bring people together despite their differences. And while you are skilled at mediating the troubles of others and seeing things objectively, lately you may not have been able to do that for yourself, Libra. With the Knight of Cups, it seems that the past actions of others have caused you to put your guard up. Though it’s easier to remain closed off from potential heartache or pain, you’re limiting yourself from certain emotional experiences that would have been beneficial. I know you’re scared to get hurt, but try to see things as objectively as possible this Halloween before jumping to any conclusions. Your intuition is stronger when you apply it to people or situations that exclude you but when it comes to your matters, this doesn’t seem to be the case. Try to figure out what is the root of your anxiety before it clouds your judgment for the worse and you unintentionally push people away.


Your Card: Nine of Wands

You may be feeling haunted by choices you’ve made in the recent past, Scorpio. Though the people around you advised you not to go through with whatever plan you may have created, you chose to follow your heart anyway and walk down this path. Now there is no going back and as a result, you may be feeling a bit of cold feet. Though you feel as if you have bitten off more than you can chew, the Nine of Wands indicates that you just have to hold on a little bit longer before things will become more manageable for you. Trust in yourself and you will persevere through this. If you’re starting to regret the choices you’ve made, know that you’re exactly where you need to be. Don’t let the doubts that others have affect you. Follow your heart and it won’t lead you astray. Your life will stabilize soon and you’ll be grateful you took a chance on yourself. This is your season and a time of great transformation and change. Change is not supposed to be easy.


Your Card: Ace of Cups

You beat yourself up too much sometimes, Sagittarius. You go to such great lengths to be a supportive friend, partner, and just a good person in general which is one of your best qualities. But in those moments where you slip up and unintentionally hurt someone, you beat yourself up a lot. This Halloween you may be haunted by something that you may have done or said to someone else that hurt them. Perhaps at the time, you felt justified in your actions but now that some time has passed, hindsight is 20/20. You’re only human and sometimes, we as humans fuck up. Whatever guilt you are holding on to, you need to find a way to release it. Nobody hates you and nobody thinks that you’re a bad person. You’re doing your best which is more than most people can say.


Your Card: Five of Swords

If you’re not careful, Capricorn, certain emotions or feelings of resentment that you thought you worked through could surface in destructive ways on Halloween. With the Five of Swords you may have felt hurt or betrayed in the past by someone close to you, and though you thought you got over these feelings, something may trigger whatever residual hurt was lying dormant this entire time. Whatever hurt that has been haunting you, you have the chance to face the problem head-on and finally let go. But if you can’t do this constructively, you may potentially act out of character for yourself. Just remember, things only matter as much as you want them to matter. You can’t control what everyone else does but you can control how you choose to react. Don’t feel like you always have to prove something to the world.


Your Card: The Sun

Certain revealing conversations may take place during Halloween where the impression you once had of someone is completely shattered. Perhaps they put on some sort of front and they are not the person that you thought they were. The Sun indicates that you and this other person were getting along incredibly well, with great chemistry, and great abundance. However, with a side of their character, you never knew existed revealing itself, you might be wondering whether or not the relationship was all a lie. Don’t jump to any conclusions, but do reassess how close you let this person get to you, Aquarius.


Your Card: Six of Pentacles

A friend or someone close to you may be reaching a new level of success that you wish you could attain yourself. While nobody wants to admit to themselves that they are envious of others, sometimes we need to accept the reality of how we truly feel to work through it. This doesn’t mean beating yourself up for having these emotions, but reminding yourself that it is okay and to be self-aware so that it can pass. With the Six of Pentacles, it seems that you might be feeling rather disappointed this Halloween, Pisces. While you want to be happy for those around you, it’s hard when they’re achieving the same things that you want. But remember that other people’s success does not take away from your own and that we are all walking down our unique path. Be happy for them, and celebrate their wins. Your time will come when it’s meant to





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