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Gemini has told a few too many white lies than they can keep up with this month. The cold, the deadlines, the stomach ache, the family obligation, and all the other little excuses that were entirely made up have started to crack under the pressure of interrogation. The stories don’t add up, and Gemini is only a few astute observations away from being discovered at any time. This will teach them a valuable lesson about biting off more than they can chew. Of course, we’re all human, and a little fib here or there isn’t the end of the world, but when that becomes the go-to fix, we often create more problems than we avoid. Telling the truth, setting boundaries, learning to say no is always easier to keep track of.
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Capricorn has been making the impersonal, personal and is now reaping the consequences of what they’ve sown. Making work their entire identity, playing HOA police, and letting a bad experience with their ex sour all of dating for them has led them to nothing but bitterness and frustration. They need a Sunday bloody mary, a dip in a hot tub, an activity that gets their hands dirty to relax and unwind. They are more than the revenue they drive. They are more than the rules they follow. The people that aren’t right for them are not the standard by which they should measure their own worth. Capricorn just needs to unplug and reset and create a clean slate from which to put their best foot forward.
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Leo is in big, big trouble because they have been sneaking around with someone who represents a major conflict of interest. Whether it’s a co-worker, a family friend, or a friend’s ex, there are people in their lives who would immediately have a million things to say if they knew what these two were up to, and frankly, Leo does not want to hear it. But the longer they keep things in the shadows, the less room this connection has to really take wing and grow. If Leo wants to see where this could go, they are going to have to swallow the bitter pill of public opinion and deal with the potential fallout. It’s hard to know what the bigger loss is at this point, but they’re going to have to trust their gut on this one.
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Cancer is in trouble because they are having too much fun. There is a never-ending list of things to do and see, people to meet and get to know, but like any human being, they have a limited amount of energy. They will need to work past their own FOMO to make decisions about where they choose to spend their time. Yes, it’s fun to be in demand, but not to be this burnt out, so some things will need to take a rain check, or simply be turned down. Even though Cancer fears letting people down as a result, they need to trust that their sincerity will be recognized. They are doing the best they can, and that will have to be enough.
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Sagittarius is letting their short attention span run wild. Scrolling and scrolling endlessly on their phones without addressing the underlying issues. They’re tired. They’re bored. They need to drastically shake up their routine, but are too lazy to put in the effort. They’d be better off taking a nap, giving themselves the space to reflect and recharge, and then tackling their list of needs one thing at a time. Once the laundry, groceries, and basic responsibilities are taken care of they can look for those meaningful areas of their life that need developing. Community, fulfillment, purpose. It’s going to take work, but they’re tough enough to do it.
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Scorpio’s avoidant nature has finally caught up with them. The ex they miss, the friend they’ve written off even though they can’t remember why, the opportunities they were too scared to raise their hand for, are all haunting them in an endless trail of regret. Their ego won’t let them admit their mistakes, even if it’s just to themselves, and that’s been the biggest hurdle to their own happiness. Once they realize it’s not too late to make a change, to reach out and try to repair the damage, the sooner they can get started on a life they are truly proud of. One where they say they things they’ve been dying to say, and never walk away from the people they love out of fear.
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Aquarius is in trouble because they’ve been keeping a pretty big secret from their closest friends and family, and can’t figure out how to break the news. As harmless as the deception is, they’ve gotten used to the intrigue and the excitement of keeping the news to themselves, and although they’re ready to share it, they’re worried that their support system will be disappointed they’ve been left out so long. But this is their chance to deliver the news themselves before the cat gets out of the bag on its own. Before the TikTok goes viral, before their pen name is exposed, before their picture makes it into the newspaper, Aquarius can let people in on their recent success and allow them to celebrate with them.
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Aries is in trouble because they overcommitted. They said they’d have the project done too soon. The garage organized. The party planned. And here they are, with all of these deadlines converging, and nothing even close to being finished. They’re going to have to own up to their mistakes, ask for more time, and learn from this lesson. In an effort to make everyone happy, they told everyone what they wanted to hear, even if it was impossible to deliver on. It’s better to be honest upfront, even it it involves saying no or making people wait. The disappointment they encounter will be much more palatable than the utter panic they are currently experiencing.
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Leo is in trouble this month because the heart wants what it wants. The problem is no one has any inkling of Leo’s rationale for making the romantic moves they did. Everyone loved their ex. Could not find a single flaw. And therefore they’re completely stunned that Leo chose to end the relationship. Add to that the fact that Leo has moved on, some would say inappropriately quickly to someone that no one really understands what Leo sees in them, and you practically have an angry mob on your hands. People like what they can see, what is easily understood, and unfortunately for Leo, chemistry is not one of those things. They just need to find the courage to stand by their own decisions.
Pisces is being selfish in everyone’s eyes but their own. The group wanted to take an all-inclusive vacation on a tropical beach, and Pisces bailed to traipse through European ruins in the rain. Everyone reunited at the destination wedding, and Pisces stayed home to attend their favorite artist’s concert. The family planned a giant gathering, and Pisces booked a spa weekend for one instead. What everyone fails to see in their disappointment is how long overdue this is for Pisces. Their interests run countercurrent to the rest of the world, and they are constantly putting off their own dreams and preferences to ‘go with the flow’, but enough is enough. If they never say ‘no’ to others, they’ll never say ‘yes’ to themselves.
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Virgo is in trouble because they have the hots in a XXX way for someone who embodies everything they stand firmly opposed to in this world. Not making the bed, wearing black and blue in the same outfit, drinking milk out of the carton, and just ‘walking into’ a restaurant without making a reservation in advance. These are positions Virgo has loudly lobbied against for the world to hear, and being seen in public with this person would make them out to be a complete hypocrite. Meanwhile, they’re waking up in a hot sweat, night after night, because they just can’t fight the obscene attraction they have to this person. Someone has to win this battle, and it’s either going to be what’s in their pants or their pride.
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Taurus is in trouble because the retail therapy is working, and even though money can’t solve life’s biggest problems, the bill they’ve been wracking up has made them noticeably happier. A new wardrobe, new decor for their apartment, and a weekend getaway have all left them feeling like a new person. The deeper question to ask themselves before they run out their bank account is ‘why’? Is the happiness really coming from living more authentically, from practicing self-care, from stepping away from the hustle and bustle of their daily routine to quiet their mind? Once the real answers come to the foreground, Taurus can find a way to continue these habits without needing to continuously pay for them.