Zodiac Signs

What Your Ex Still Misses About You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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Say what you will about an Aries, but they’re out there doing cooler shit than you. Break up with one and you’ll find yourself in bed watching Friends for the thousandth time while you scroll through their Insta feed of them having dinner with friends you haven’t seen before, in a new city, on a cool boat — just about everything that makes you feel like a homebody blob without them. An Aries is the one that brings excitement to a relationship, after their relationships end it’s inevitable that their exes realize their lives are a little bit boring now.

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No one will ever make you feel as secure as a Taurus will. They’re a tough nut to crack, but you know you’re in for life once you’re in. They don’t change their minds easily so you know that even if you’re fighting at the moment or you did something to upset them — they aren’t going to withdraw. The next person you date will be more volatile than this (everyone is) and you’ll miss the way a Taurus makes it known that temporary setbacks are just that.

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After you date a Gemini, everyone else seems boring and lackluster by comparison. Geminis ooze passion. They wake up every day with the joie de vivre to do something new and exciting that day. It’s hard to let someone who brightens up your life this much walk away.

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No one will love you like a Cancer will love you. It’s almost impossible not to look back for the rest of your life and wonder if your current partner loves you as deeply and unconditionally as your Cancerian ex did. There will always be a pang of regret there, but despite all the reasons you weren’t working out, that was still the most real love you’ll ever experience.

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Leos are leaders, but they also care very deeply about what their partner thinks of them. They will forge a unique life for the couple — always checking in, always making sure their partner is completely happy too. After the breakup, their ex will miss how much importance Leo placed on their opinion. It’s a daily ego boost that’s not common with most other people.

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A Virgo makes their partner’s life so, so, so much better than it was before. Being with one means being with someone who knows how to do everything and is hell-bent on upgrading your life. They’ll put all your bills on auto-pay, set up your cable, rearrange your furniture so everything just flows. It’s like flying first class and then having to go back to coach.

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Libras are incredibly charming and gifted with the best social skills in the Zodiac. Date one and you’ll feel like you are this special partner to someone who makes you feel cool and understood and like there’s no other couple that could be so perfect for each other. This is exactly the insecurity you’ll walk away with, too. Will anyone else ever understand you so completely? Will you feel like a partner who is almost an effortless extension of yourself? Probably not, no.

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Scorpios are the perfect balance between a bad bitch that can get anything done — and a deep lover with high emotional intelligence. It’s totally rare for both these things to exist in the same person and it’s likely that when your ex inevitably settles for one or the other, they miss the spark of your dual nature.

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A Sagittarius will make staying at home and cooking spaghetti together the most fun night of your life. They have an infectious spirit and a killer sense of humor. After breaking up with one, it’s hard for their ex not to miss how fun they were capable of making everything. Suddenly everyone else in the world seems like they have a stick up their butt because they take everything so much more seriously.

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Capricorns aren’t a part of a couple that is not a power couple. From afar, they’re the kind of person everyone wants to be: successful, chic, basically flawless in every way. Moving on from a Capricorn is always a downgrade because you’re always moving on to something lesser. You’ll always wonder if the life you had with them was a flash in the pan, or if you stayed maybe your life would be bigger than it is now.

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When an Aquarius dates, they’re on a mission to make their partner a better person. “She makes me a better person” is a trope you hear in tons of wedding vows but in the case of an Aquarius, it’s true. You’ll start recycling because of an Aquarius, you’ll be less cynical — you’ll be a person who discovers they are patient and feel happy when they get to do something nice for someone else. Moving on, you’ll always wonder if that was the best you’ll ever be.

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Pisces are gifted artists and deep thinkers in a way that never feels phony. To the extent that they are often broken up with because their partner is intimidated and feels inferior. But, even when they move on they will always think about the Pisces miss what it was like to be close to someone so special. They’ll worry they took the safe road and wonder if their life would be less boring if they’d chosen differently

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