What You Care About More Than You Should, According To Your Zodiac Sign

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Congratulations on your success or accomplishments. Because you’re preoccupied with reaching your goals, even if it means burning yourself out, you seldom take a break.

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Taurus, your fortune and wealth are something you care about more than you should. You understand that money isn’t everything, yet you wish you could purchase anything you wished.

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Gemini, you care more than you should about your ex-partners. You know they’re in your past for a purpose, yet you can’t seem to stop yourself from attempting to ‘win’ the split.

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You care more than you should about love and affection. You know that self-love is the most important thing, yet you somehow wish you were in a committed relationship.

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Leo, you care more than you should about your status and reputation. And although you realize it really shouldn’t matter, you worry a lot about how others perceive you.

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Virgo, your blunders or mistakes is something you care about more than you should. Even years later, when you should have moved on, you can’t stop thinking about them.

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Libra, your outward appearance is important for you. You wouldn’t want to leave the house without wearing a flawless dress and applying a complete face of cosmetics.

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Scorpio, you care more than you should about your regrets. You’re constantly thinking about what might have occurred if you had taken a different path.

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It’s all about you and your sex life. You can’t handle being without water for long periods of time. You always want people to be interested in you.

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Capricorn, your position or career title is something you care about more than you should. You would like to be respected and loved. You want everybody to be aware of your abilities.

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Aquarius, milestones in your life are something you care about more than you should. You’re fixated on achieving milestones at the ‘correct’ age to avoid falling back.

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Pisces, your social media followers are very important for you. You want to be noticed. Every single time. You can’t tolerate it when others neglect you.

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