Zodiac Signs

What Type Of Witch Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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Aries: The Fire Witch

As a bold and passionate Aries, you’re a Fire Witch. You’re all about action, courage, and vitality. Your magic thrives in fiery rituals, candle spells, and anything involving energy and transformation. You’re fearless and quick to cast spells to fuel your ambitions and conquer challenges.

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Taurus: The Green Witch

Grounded and connected to nature, Taurus is the Green Witch. You have a strong connection to the Earth and its natural magic, working with plants, herbs, and crystals to heal and manifest abundance. Your rituals likely involve gardening, herbalism, and connecting to the cycles of nature.

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Gemini: The Cosmic Witch

Curious and communicative, Gemini is the Cosmic Witch. You are drawn to astrology, divination, and working with celestial energy. You love studying the stars and weaving their movements into your magical practice. Your spells often involve words, ideas, and learning.

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Cancer: The Kitchen Witch

Nurturing Cancer embodies the Kitchen Witch. Your magic lies in the home and hearth, bringing comfort, healing, and protection through food, potions, and domestic rituals. You love making magic through cooking, creating healing brews, and providing a safe, magical home for others.

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Leo: The Glamour Witch

Radiant and self-assured, Leo is the Glamour Witch. You use magic to enhance your appearance, confidence, and personal magnetism. Your spells revolve around beauty, attraction, and fame. You channel your inner power through rituals involving mirrors, candles, and personal enchantments.

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Virgo: The Herbal Witch

Detail-oriented and practical, Virgo is the Herbal Witch. You are deeply connected to the healing properties of plants and love studying and creating remedies. Your magic involves careful preparation, using herbs, oils, and teas for healing and well-being. You thrive on crafting precise, intentional spells.

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Libra: The Enchantress

Harmonious and love-driven Libra is the Enchantress. You use your charm and diplomacy in magic to create balance, harmony and love in your life and others. Your spells often involve love, beauty, and creating peaceful environments. You love working with Venus energy, rose petals, and artistic rituals.

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Scorpio: The Shadow Witch

Mysterious and transformative, Scorpio is the Shadow Witch. You are drawn to the deeper, darker aspects of magic, including transformation, death, and rebirth. You work with shadow work, psychic abilities, and taboo subjects. Your rituals are intense, involving divination, protection, and emotional release.

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Sagittarius: The Wanderer Witch

Adventurous and free-spirited Sagittarius is the Wanderer Witch. You incorporate magic into your travels and love exploring different spiritual traditions and cultures. You may practice a blend of magical styles, drawing inspiration from around the world. Your magic is nomadic, expansive, and ever-changing.

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Capricorn: The Crone Witch

Wise and disciplined, Capricorn is the Crone Witch. You are the guardian of ancient wisdom and practical magic. Your rituals are steeped in tradition and structure, focusing on longevity, protection, and career success. You work with earth energy, crystals, and time-honored methods.

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Aquarius: The Tech Witch

Innovative and futuristic, Aquarius is the Tech Witch. You blend magic with technology, working with digital spells, using online tools for manifestation, or creating tech-based rituals. Your magic is progressive, embracing the energy of change, innovation, and rebellion.

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Pisces: The Water Witch

Intuitive and mystical, Pisces is the Water Witch. You have a natural connection to water and the emotional and psychic realms. Your magic involves dreamwork, meditation, and working with the flow of emotions. You may perform rituals involving water, moon phases, and connecting to the spirit world.

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