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I’m pretty sure you’re already quite familiar with elemental magic and the powers that flow from it.
These 4 fundamental forces of nature – all governed by the fifth element, spirit – are in fact the closest magical powers we can harness.
Witches and wizards always ask their apprentices at initiation: “What is your magic?” to define the ‘colors’ of a person’s powers and aura.
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Magical elements of nature & the witch
The most complete and easiest way to define your magical powers is to look at your horoscope and define the balance of elements within you.
However, the quickest way is to answer a simple question. What is your magic? = What is your zodiac sign?
As discussed previously in this article, all zodiac signs have distinctive magical powers.
However, all zodiac signs get these powers from their cardinal element: fire, earth, air and water. Additionally, each cardinal element rules over different paths of magic.
What is your element?
You have examined your relationship with the elements, you feel the connection and definitely want to find out more.
Good, you’re on the right track. Now that you’ve defined what YOUR element is, let’s move on to something even more interesting. What is your magic based on your magic element?
What is your magic?
Element of fire
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This group includes everyone born under the influence of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius or who have major planets in these signs (especially the Moon and Mercury).
Fire is an element that demands respect. It is friendly but dangerous and ruthless. We are NOT playing with fire. Witches respect its power and boldly use it.
Candle Magic
This may be the most famous practice in the history of witchcraft. Candles have been associated with magic, religion and all spiritual and divine practices since ancient times.
Candle magic is direct and most of the time a candle and your wish are all you need! See how to get started with candle magic and cast your first spell today!
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When we speak of exorcism, we are referring to the part of magic in which you focus the will of your spirit or a divine being to exert it on someone else who is ‘possessed’ or enchanted by the dark arts.
This is a very powerful form of magic that suits the element of fire and those who are brave and powerful.
However, you should know that this is a very advanced practice and not for newbies.
This may be the most famous practice in the history of witchcraft. Candles have been associated with magic, religion and all spiritual and divine practices since ancient times.
Candle magic is direct and most of the time a candle and your wish are all you need! See how to get started with candle magic and cast your first spell today!
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Healing is based on the obscure theory that all states of the human body, mind and spirit are based on the flow of magical energy – also known as Chi.
That’s why you can heal by manipulating this energy. Those who are considered the most effective in this are those who belong to the element of fire (and water).
Although all elements can heal, fire can miraculously.
Energy manipulation
As described above, healing is based on energy manipulation. Fire is pure energy (the purest form in this world).
This is why someone who can manipulate energy can actually send it through time and space. This is one of the coolest things a witch can do.
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element of the earth
This group includes anyone born under the influence of Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn or who have major planets in these signs (especially the Moon and Mercury).
Earth is an element that requires patience. She is cold and dark, but her powers bring abundance and steady strength. Witches use these with patience and determination.
Druid magic
By ‘druid magic’ we usually mean all practices that require the element of earth, the power of the forest, trees, herbs and roots along with the power of animals.
Druids were known for their uncanny knowledge of herbs, trees and animals. Those born under the influence of the earth can use this relationship with the forests to work powerful magic.
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Crystal magic
Another one of this element’s vast powers is crystal magic. Those born under the influence of the earth can actually work wonders with crystals.
You can use crystals to bring abundance, balance, vibrancy and protection. Crystals speak to these people.
These obscure symbols of pure magic are known to represent multiple entities and/or forces of nature.
Runes are usually inscribed in wood or stone, or even in the ground. This turns the ground, crystal, or wood into a portal from which the rune’s energy emerges.
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Since the earth is solid and stable, it looked quite defensive to the ancient witches and wizards. They saw the tides hitting the steady mountains without having any effect on them.
Therefore, they understood that one of the element’s most powerful abilities was protection against malevolent energies. You can use the power of the earth for protection!
Animal companions
It is believed that those belonging to the earth element are closer to all living things, both animals and plants. This is why they can more effectively ‘connect’ with totems and ask them for help.
All they have to do is perform a simple ritual to send this signal to the spirit world.
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Element of air
This group includes anyone born under the influence of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius or who have major planets in these signs (especially the Moon and Mercury).
Air is an element that requires free thinking. She is unstable and violent, but her powers can bring freedom, focused power, independence, and effective communication.
Witches exploit these with patience and determination.
Knot magic
One of the oldest and most powerful forms of magic is knot magic. It requires minimal time and minimal cost, but a lot of concentration. This is where the element of air comes into play.
To cast all types of air magic, you need concentration and clarity. That is why those born under the influence of air are better at this type of magic.
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Contact spirits
Anyone who possesses a spirit can contact another spirit.
This is why all people can reach other spirits and beings as long as they are focused enough and know their minds well enough to actually understand their thoughts and those of others.
This is why contact with spirits is so powerful in the hands of those born under the influence of air.
Telepathy is the ‘reading’ of another’s thoughts without words or other physical means. It is pure thought sent to another person.
A telepath can send and receive messages. Some are good at sending, some at receiving, some at both. Those born under the influence of air are considered naturals in telepathy.
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Remote viewing
Remote viewing is the ability to move our consciousness to another time or place without actually traveling there.
This allows us to gather a lot of information about history, magic and so on. Remote viewing is very valuable to secret societies that currently practice it (such as the US military).
Astral projection
This fantastic ability consists of projecting ‘one of our bodies’ through the astral realm. What is the astral realm, you ask?
Well, it is a different world than ours that vibrates at a higher spiritual frequency. That’s why in this realm we can learn from the spirits and beings that reside there.
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Element water
This group includes anyone born under the influence of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces or who have major planets in these signs (especially the Moon and Mercury).
Water is an element that calls for love and powerful emotions.
It is unstable and cold, but its powers can bring balance, intuitive powers, power over the dream realm, and the power of illusion. Witches take advantage of this with love and patience.
Mirror magic
Mirror Magic (Water) is the equivalent of Node Magic (Air), Candle Magic (Fire), and Crystal Magic (Earth) as one of the oldest paths of magic.
Since the still waters of a lake, a fountain or the sea also form a mirror, mirror magic belongs to the element of water.
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Just as water, rain, and mists (all of which belong to the element of water) can obscure vision, water magic can be used to cast illusions.
Have you ever seen the movie ‘The Witches Club’? In which a group of young girls play with glamor magic – which actually works!
These are illusions. Illusions can also be used as a defense mechanism.
Everything can be enchanted, everything! Any material thing can be imbued with magical energy and become something else.
Spells and enchantments are used as a mobile magical device as an echo of the magician’s power. So what is your magic? Well, you’re a wizard!
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It is believed that those born under the influence of water have the ability to ‘see visions’ and receive prophetic dreams more easily than others.
Hydromancy is even closer to them – the art of divination, which only uses the element of water. Secrets… only the water knows them!
This is one of the most powerful and powerful forms of magic, although it requires a lot of practice – if you are not a natural.
Influencing the realm of dreams is like influencing reality itself. It is believed that those born under the influence of water are more likely to have control over this realm.