What Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius Can Expect This December, According To A Tarot Reader

What Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius Can Expect This December, According To A Tarot Reader

The Air Signs of the Zodiac (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are communicative intellectuals who are at home with change.

Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:

— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)

— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)

— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)

— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)

— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)

— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)

— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)


The Past

Queen of Swords (Reversed)

An imbalance between emotion and intellect can be expressed in many ways. At one of the extremes is allowing disappointment to fester into self-deception and cruelty while at the other is becoming more loving and vulnerable, and less judgemental.

The Present

4 of Cups

You’ve had a lot of emotional output recently, and need a chance to recover before you become emotionally overwhelmed. Emotional burnout can turn the most amazing of possibilities into a trial. Take some time to recharge.

The Challenge

10 of Wands

The last ten percent of a long-term project can be extremely challenging due to the oppressive amount of loose ends that need to be worked through.

Your Thoughts

The Fool (Reversed)

Everything has a learning curve and a lot of times we’re all just learning as we go. While your inner critic might be telling you you’re naive, give yourself grace for your practical education. Use what you’ve learned to determine what can make your journey easier.

Your Subconscious

The World (Reversed)

Subconsciously you’re not allowing yourself to move forward, possibly because you are unsure what you’ll do once this big project finishes.

The Future

3 of Pentacles

Collaboration with those who share your work ethic and values can create works that wouldn’t otherwise be possible, and the ability to work with other skilled craftsman in order to get large scale projects completed is a skill within itself.


King of Pentacles

It’s time to be mature and grounded in your approach. You have a solid feel for how to deal with the material aspects of things right now.

Putting it All Together

In the past you were dealing with an imbalance in mental and emotional energy for either yourself or someone near. Getting through the experience was both overwhelming and draining, and you’re on the cusp of the end of a large phase of work and moving towards a more collaborative time. Stay grounded in how you approach things right now so you can get things wrapped up and move on.


The Past

The Page of Cups (Reversed)

A disconnect between you and your emotions can manifest in many ways, including a loss of communication with your intuition. If the disconnection continues for too long, you may find yourself feeling numb, or callous.

The Present

9 of Pentacles (Reversed)

While your material and physical needs are met, you’re not feeling emotionally and spiritually fulfilled. This can cause mental unrest and can make you feel trapped by circumstance. What might have felt comfortable – even posh – before has lost its charm.

The Challenge

10 of Wands

You are overloaded with responsibilities and have taken on and are carrying an oppressive amount. Whether in the form of work that needs to be performed, past emotional baggage, or some other burden it’s important that you recognize your limitations, and delegate what is possible.

Your Thoughts

Knight of Wands

Your thoughts are going a mile a minute – you currently have access to an exceptional stream of new, creative ideas. There’s a lot of spontaneous, impassioned thought. Try to focus your thoughts and mental energy on some ideas with depth, as opposed to just following it from new idea to new idea.

Your Subconscious

8 of Pentacles

Subconsciously you’re aware that there’s a lot of detailed work to be done. Building and focusing skill by doing the hard work of craftsmanship to the point you can feel skill flowing through your fingers carries its own type of pleasure

The Future

Page of Wands

There might be some news that you get through an external source  – or you might be getting a lot of artistic and creative inspiration. There’s also an intense drive towards self-improvement.


The Emperor

Take control – of yourself, and then the situation. You are as much of an authority in your life as anyone else.

Putting it All Together

There’s been a feeling of disconnection – from your feelings, memories, and intuition. While your needs are basically being met, you’re unable to flourish without addressing the underlying issue. Try and rebalance the load you are carrying so you can take control of your racing thoughts, and get some time to recuperate and emotionally regroup.


The Past

4 of Pentacles

From your point of view, you were trying to control and stabilize resources, but it may have looked to a lot of people like you were being a miser or withholding. Just make sure that you possess the ‘wealth’ – and not the other way around.

The Present

9 of Wands

Now is the time to apply your experience – act with caution and wisdom. Things feel uneasy, and it’s best that you take time now to determine if there is going to be conflict you need to fortify yourself for. Try not to get caught up in the narratives of past trauma, and instead take what’s unfolding at face value for now.

The Challenge


Keeping things in balance is going to be difficult. Other people will challenge you, things (especially related to communication) may be delayed, or you may find yourself unable to commit to what action to take next.

Your Thoughts

Queen of Swords

Your thoughts are involved with focusing on the truth of things around you, and are not about to get caught up in the sticky emotional realities of it all.

Your Subconscious

Page of Pentacles

Beneath the surface, there is huge potential for growth. You’re in ‘input mode’ and gathering a huge amount of data about what you’re experiencing, hoping that it can help you navigate a clear path.

The Future

10 of Swords

There is finality and closure here, but the price is that it’s a loss. This also means that the struggle is over, and it’s time to surrender to fate, accept the loss, and move on.  While the Ten of Swords is a defeat, it’s also a chance to change and transform.


King of Wands

It’s time to really embrace your leadership skills and let your passion lead the way.

Putting it All Together

Given that you are definitely feeling like you are under attack, it’s a good thing that you spent some time stockpiling and stabilizing – things are about to get very rough! You’re going to have a difficult time maintaining emotional, material, mental, and spiritual balance. If things continue the way they are, you’re going to experience a pretty devastating loss, but it’s also a chance for you to move on.





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