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Mars in Gemini will finally go direct on January 12th, 2023. However, the planet changes signs on March 25th, 2023. For the last four months, Mars has taught us a lot about preparation and knowing when to choose our battles. Mutable signs have learned to be more disciplined and more willing to change their plans and outlook. Measuring every detail of our life has become essential, since this transit is ruled by Mercury. Getting our plans in order may have helped to keep us organized with the surprises this transit has brought. One rule we should follow is to expect surprises, but keep calm and don’t panic.
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The last four months have taught you how to keep calm and stay in command when things start not to go as planned. A lot of patience will be needed during this transit, especially with communication and traveling plans. Frustration levels have gone up during the Mars Retrograde. Now that the fiery planet is stationing direct, you feel like you can get back on track with your scheduled plans. You can channel your energy and do what you love without anything frustrating holding you back.
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Revamping your finances as well as how you view yourself will be an important theme during this transit. Mars Retrograde has allowed you to develop more self-confidence and a greater appreciation for what you do. You reflected and learned to see what is essential for you during this retrograde. The last four months have allowed you to bridge the gap to self-love and care, even if you haven’t seen the effects right away, you are a lot more focused on protecting your energy from others.
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Mars is currently in your sign, giving you moments of ups and downs. Lessons during this transit involve knowing your limits and choosing your battles. Mars stationing direct gives you some wisdom into what you would like to do with your career opportunities. There has been a great support system with friends and you feel a lot more prepared to go forth with your ambitions. You feel empowered now and not held back by choices.
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With this transit, you saw some changes in the way you manage responsibilities. Mars stationing direct pushes you to go within with more freedom and confidence. If you had neglected to take the time to look into taking care of yourself emotionally and spiritually, this six-month transit might have rocked your world in the last four months. The retrograde period will pave the way for you to feel strengthened once Mars moves into your sign in March.
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There could have been a lot of upheavals in your social circle and you could have made new friends. The way you present yourself to others took priority during these four months. You are slowly weeding out the people that do not have your best interest for you while also tapping into your creative side. Mars retrograde may have given you some insights when it comes to your ambitions and successes and now you might feel a lot more comfortable and confident fine-tuning your plans for more recognition.
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This is a very inspirational transit, since Mars allowed you to see how your relationship with power is. If things were not working the way you wanted in your career or school, the last 6 months would have served as a reflection period for you. Balancing what you want with what is needed for your success might have been challenging. Nevertheless, you pushed forward and powered through. Now that this planet is stationing direct, you have fine-tuned your plans and made the adjustments necessary to embark on your journey to the top.
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This transit made a trine to your sign, providing you with the energy to fight through and do things the right way. Mars opened up your mind, gave you the freedom to express yourself, and taught you some valuable lessons. There is an expansive quality for you with this transit, pushing you to take charge and to learn more new constructive things that will give you momentum to go after what you desire.
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Leveling up is the major theme for you during this transit. Mars in Gemini might have opened up some old wounds, but you can have more understanding and confidence in yourself now that the planet is finally stationing direct. You can heal and move on from self-doubt. There is more resilience within, and you could see your confidence resurfacing. Mars Retrograde had you churning for answers, but now you are prepared and filled with guidance to get those responses.
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Things could have been a lot more interesting for you during this transit, making deep changes to your house of partnerships. Your past relationships could have been a major focus as you begin to be a lot more cautious when it comes to allowing people to enter your intimate spaces. Mars stationing direct in Gemini provides you with the determination needed to pursue what works for you and what does not in your career as well as in one on one relationships.
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How you treat yourself and show yourself some love are predominant themes in this transit. You are prepared to get ahead now since you know that putting yourself first at times is essential. Mars stationing direct will allow you to see the big picture and change those routines, especially if they need to be revamped for this New Year. It is a fresh start to incorporate those essential habits to allow you to continue triumphantly succeeding.
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Saturn in your sign might have made things feel stressful, but this Mars Retrograde could have brought about the energy that made you focus on the things that bring you joy. You recognize that mitigating stress is essential to tap into the creative side. The last four months put into perspective the people that matter in your life, the friends you have, your relationships, and your overall happiness. The transit might have made you more appreciative of the people in your life that you care about.
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There is a great focus on creating a balance with this transit. Mars Retrograde makes you focus more on your career and how you can incorporate rest to bring less chaos into your home. For the last four months, you may have focused on reflection, discovering the need for setting boundaries and building up your confidence. Mars has empowered you to go after the career goals you might have dreamt of while tapping into your inner power.