What Every Zodiac Can Learn During The Autumnal Equinox

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We enter Libra season with an Autumnal Equinox on September 23rd, 2023. This is a time for us to focus on finding balance in every aspect of our lives.

“Equinox” is a Latin word meaning “equal” and “night.” The Autumnal Equinox is when the Sun is directly above the Equator, so the number of daytime hours and the number of nighttime hours are equal. It is also the introduction to the Libra season and this air sign is all about balance and harmony.

This is what each zodiac can learn during this time:

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Aries, have you been feeling a lot of tension or misalignment in your friendships and partnerships lately? Well, now is the time to nurture them. You’re learning what it means to compromise, to admit when you’re wrong, and even put your partner’s needs first for once.

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You’re typically all about self-indulgence, but lately, you’ve been lacking in that department. Taurus, you are now learning the importance of incorporating some downtime into your busy schedule. Take a look at yourself and your routines and ask yourself: What’s lacking? What’s fulfilling? Where can I make changes?

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Gemini, you are learning how to properly balance business and pleasure. You can be creative and fun and a hard-working leader. You’re stepping into greater roles and as much as it might be an adjustment shock, this is a very good thing for you. Trust in yourself and your abilities.

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It’s time for you to nurture yourself, sweet Cancer. During this time, you’re learning how important it is to balance self-love and selflessness. You know you can’t keep pouring from an empty cup. You know that you owe yourself some self-care time and all the love you keep giving to others.

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You really went through it during the Venus Retrograde, didn’t you Leo? Now, you’re finally feeling at peace and are feeling excited and hopeful about socializing again. Take this time to nurture your relationships and learn how to communicate your feelings, with both yourself and others.

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Now that your season of celebration has come to an end, it’s time to get your sh*t together. You’re finally learning how much power you actually hold, Virgo. You’re redirecting your attention towards bettering yourself, adjusting your finances, and stepping into the person you were always meant to become.

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It’s your time to shine, Libra! You might feel like you’re going through a lot of changes in your life, so make sure you lean into your own energy and find a good balance. You’re learning how to let go of all that no longer serves you. You’re learning how to set boundaries and doing things to make yourself happy for once.

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Now is a good time for you to start focusing on yourself and doing the inner work. Solitude isn’t a bad thing, you know! Take this time to get to know yourself and to learn what it means to be the person you are. You’re finally learning how to find peace within your body.

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Now, more than ever, you’re feeling inspired to socialize and connect with others. You’re usually independent, fluttering around in different social circles, but now is the time for you to learn the importance of developing and nurturing genuine friendships. Sag, you can have friends and still be independent – don’t forget that.

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You might feel immense pressure when it comes to your work life. Capricorn, learn how to not associate your career with your identity. Learn how to go through changes without feeling like the world is going to fall apart. Everything will be okay — you’re a smart, capable person and you will get through this. You always do.

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You’ve been feeling a bit stuck lately, haven’t you, Aquarius? Take this time to learn what your body and soul need the most. More socializing? Take up a class and learn something new. More solitude? Curl up at home with a book. More excitement? Book a weekend getaway somewhere.

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This time is forcing you to look at yourself in a new light. This is a time of transformation, in love, finance, and work. You’ve been holding yourself back from growth by remaining stuck in these bad habits, and now, you’re finally learning how to get out of these patterns. This will be a deeply emotional time for you, Pisces

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