Zodiac Signs

What Every Zodiac Can Expect When Vesta Enters Libra On October 26

Vesta is the asteroid associated with spiritual service and how you express that.  It also relates to a strong desire connected with your spiritual mission.  Vesta is “the Roman Goddess associated with sacred vigils, service, and the home.

So how is she expressed in each of the natal signs?

Aries –

We see her going full speed ahead with her mission and being completely open with others about it.  Contrary to the traditional concept of Aries having a big ego, Vesta here emphasizes the selfless side of the ram, encouraging others to serve and transcend their ego.  With this asteroid entering Libra, Aries will seek balance in its expression and not go too far in the messianic, apostle-like role.

Taurus –

We see Vesta in Libra applied to the material and routine sides of life; spirituality will become part of a daily routine or practice. Rather than accumulating things, Taurus will be discerning in building assets that will in some way be related to spirituality.  Entering Libra, Vesta here will focus on positive decision-making and decluttering physically and mentally.

Gemini –

Vesta will certainly take on the role of priest or priestess, spreading the gospel of spirituality by proselytizing formally or informally, and writing.  She carries ‘the word’.  The Libra transit will tamp down Gemini’s tendency to over-speak and over-write.

Cancer –

Cancer’s birth sign will express Vesta emotionally, whether through gestures, words, or empathy. There will surely be at least one altar in the home, where Cancer feels most comfortable expressing her deep connection to Spirit, with snacks!  The Libra transit here will help Cancer tone down her deep emotions in the service of clearer communication with her future disciples.

Leo –

could surely be the sign of the actor, producer, director, or entertainer in general.  They will use their gift of self-expression to showcase spirituality; it is their mission. In extreme circumstances, it could show up as a dramatic display or even a cult of drama, like that of Jim Jones.  Fortunately, Libra’s entrance in Vesta for Leo will turn down the temperature of the extravagance and melodrama!

Virgo –

Must you dot every I and cross every t, Virgo?  And must you criticize every detail of your significant other’s outfit?  When Vesta enters Libra, she will come up with her demands – and those are that you ease up, Virgo, on the obsessive attention to details and criticism. Just relax for a time, and feel into fostering harmonious connection and cooperation with others.  Breathe, without judgment.

Scorpio –

Scorpio’s depth and desire are infinite, so Libra in Vesta here will bring a bit of airy energy to your dark waters. You might even display a little unfamiliar ‘care-free’ energy.  She is here to lighten up that profound, seeking spiritual energy.  Watch a cartoon, or drink something sweet.  It’s all good, Scorpio.

Sagittarius –

You’re always burning rubber, Sag., whether physically or mentally. Travel and gaining knowledge are great but Libra in Vesta says you can take a break now and glide – maybe just look at pictures of your last trip or do some casual reading – Your Nature won’t change forever, but take a break; ruminate on what you’ve done.  Invite guests over and make them feel at home.  There will always be new paths to conquer in the future!

Capricorn –

Whoa, Capricorn, enough of goal-setting and competing for that job!

Vesta in Libra says there are other ways of moving forward.  Take a good look around and feel gratitude for what you already have.  See how you can cooperate with others toward a fun-loving goal, such as a holiday party.  You’re not the only one making things happen, and that feels good!

Aquarius –

Hmm, Vesta in Libra feels pretty happy here.  Both are air signs and both are inherently spiritual, so whatever new ideas you come up with will always be for the greater good.  Vesta’s spirituality and your own are Sympatico.  You’re pure and unique, so express yourself!

Pisces –

Libra is all about balance and temperance, Pisces. With Libra in Vesta here, you can ease up on the artistic creations and intense emotions.  Get out a little, enjoy the upcoming holidays, admire others’ creations, and feast on the delicious food and drink of the season.  Let things marinate for a while, Pisces…

Libra –

The natural sweet spot for Vesta, who is all about purity and balance.  Note that some Libras still go to extremes, so Vesta here may signify either a hedonist or an ascetic; whichever, Vesta will emphasize their inherent divine quality.  Libra easily adapts to Vesta’s role of cleaning and detoxing her body and environment.

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