What Each Zodiac Has To Be Grateful For This Thanksgiving, According To Tarot

What Each Zodiac Has To Be Grateful For This Thanksgiving


Your card: 7 of Pentacles

You’re thankful for all the time and money and heart that you’ve invested to get where you are today. It didn’t come easy, but it was definitely worth all the trouble.


Your card: Ace of Pentacles

You’re thankful for the new opportunities you’ve had this year when it’s come to your career. It may have been scary starting fresh, but it ended up being the right decision.


Your card: Page of Swords

You’re thankful for everything you’ve learned this year, both in concrete ways and the little things that you’ve learned about your heart. You’ve transformed for the better because of it.


Your card: 7 of Wands

You’re thankful for your resilience. Even when things didn’t go your way this year, you handled it the best way you could. You persevered and survived and proved that you can weather anything.


Your card: 4 of Wands

You’re thankful for the community that you’ve built up around you. You’ve amassed a close circle of friends that you can depend on, and who can depend on you.


Your card: 10 of Wands

You’re thankful that even though you’ve worked hard all year, sometimes to the point of exhaustion, you’ve come away with something worthwhile in the end.


Your card: 2 of Wands

You’re thankful that you made the right decision this year. It was tough to figure out which option was the right one, but in the end, you’re confident with how everything has ended up.


Your card: The Hierophant

You’re thankful that you get to be at Thanksgiving with all your favorite people this year, just like years past. While you might not admit it, you live for the traditions.


Your card: The Moon

You’re thankful that you followed your gut this year. While you don’t always listen to your intuition, keeping your instincts in mind has gotten you out of some sticky situations.


Your card: Wheel of Fortune

You’re thankful for all the good fortune that seemed to find you this year. It’s not that bad things didn’t happen, but the good has definitely outweighed the bad.


Your card: 6 of Swords

You’re thankful for the changes you went through in your life this year. These changes were a release and relief for you, letting you finally let out the deep breath you’d been holding.


Your card: Page of Wands

You’re thankful for your good attitude this year. Your positivity has brought you creative and fun opportunities that you wouldn’t have had if you hadn’t been ready for them.

What Each Zodiac Has To Be Grateful For This Thanksgiving, According To Tarot
What Each Zodiac Has To Be Grateful For This Thanksgiving, According To Tarot





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