This Is When They’ll Ask You Out, According To Their Zodiac Sign

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An Aries will ask you out immediately on the spot. When you catch this fire sign’s eye, they won’t hesitate to make their move. They’re direct, competitive, and very decisive. So, you won’t ever need to second-guess whether they’re interested in you.

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A Taurus will ask you out when the time is right. These earth signs might have flirted with you here and there, but they need time to ask you out on a date. They want to see if both of you have natural chemistry first. They also make sure you feel the same way.

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A Gemini will ask you out after a few hangouts with their group of friends. These air signs are not one to jump the gun when making their move. Like their neighbor Taurus, they prefer to get to know you first. They want to see if you have anything in common and how you are in social settings.

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A Cancer will ask you out after you’ve spent some alone time together. It could be amongst your friends, or if they’ve asked you to hang out anywhere the two of you, they’re interested. A few one-on-one conversations will give them enough opportunity to get to know you for you.

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A Leo will ask you out after they’ve showered you with a plethora of compliments and their undivided time. Like Aries, Leos won’t hesitate to pursue you once you’ve caught their eye. But as generosity is in their nature, these fire signs might have already spoiled you with a ton of gifts.

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A Virgo will ask you out after time has proved both of you to be compatible. A classic earth sign, Virgos also prefer a slow burn to a potential date. Not only do they want to get to know you better, but they also want to see if both of you could make a good team.

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A Libra will ask you out after you’ve talked for hours. The ultimate chatterboxes, these signs love it when their potential date can keep a conversation going. On top of that, if both of you have a few things in common as well, then get ready to be asked out immediately.

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A Scorpio will ask you out the minute they feel a strong emotional connection with you, so strong that from just one look or touch, they’ll know that both of you are supposed to be together. On top of that, if they can also tell how in tune you are with yourself, they’ll ask you out in a heartbeat.

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A Sagittarius will ask you out after they’ve seen how fun you are to be around. On top of that, if you’re pretty smart too. These signs want to feel inspired and excited, so they won’t hesitate to take you out if you’re right up in that alley.

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Classy, stylish, and elegant, you’re probably all three if this earth sign is spending all its time with you. Like their fellow earth signs, Capricorns like to take their time when getting acquainted with a potential date. So, they’ll ask you out once they feel like it’s time to take your connection to the next level.

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An Aquarius will ask you out once they see that you’re more than just a pretty face. This sign loves a well-read and well-informed date. So, tell them your opinions on what you think about the world and how you plan to change it. Chances are, they’ll want to take you out on the spot.

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An artist and a dreamer, you’re both of those if Pisces can’t seem to stop sending you flirty texts. These signs will ask you out over time of getting to know you. They’re never ones to act on impulse, as they want who they take out to be someone they know on more than just the surface level.

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