These Are The Zodiacs Who Will Go Through The Most Change This November

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November has arrived, and with it, plenty of astrological transits to keep our heads spinning.

This month is often associated with romance and passion, given that Valentine’s Day rolls around on the 14th. The month is split between the signs of Aquarius and Pisces, instigating plenty of self and collective reflection for us all.

While there is plenty to say about how this month will affect each zodiac sign, two particular placements will experience some significant change—in more ways than one—during this month. So let’s talk about it.

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Leo Risings, come to the front.

Yes, Leo risings will be experiencing the most change during November for a few reasons.

First up, The Full Moon on November 5th took place in your 1st House of Self/Identity, which is a great time to focus on yourself and what you truly need—not just what you feel you need to put together to impress everyone else. Full Moons often mark the closing of a chapter, so indulging in this weekend is a great way to honor the journey you’ve already started in 2023.

Next up, Aquarius season has already had you examining your relationships and connections, but once Mercury enters the sign on November 11th, you may feel more inclined to create some direct communication with those connections. This may be just the push you need to clearly communicate what you need to those in your life—whether you’re pulling relationships closer or setting some necessary boundaries. This can affect how you’ve navigated your relationships and could set the stage for some big changes in what you’re used to.

Then, Pisces season will arrive on the 18th and take place throughout your 8th house of bonds and transformation. These next few weeks will have the heaviest focus on regeneration and starting new projects. Your love life and creative ventures could see some significant shifts, especially with the New Moon in Pisces happening on the 19th. New Moons often signify a new beginning, a clean slate for a person to work from—and its appearance in your 8th House feels incredibly significant towards change and a fresh start.

Finally, Venus moves into your fellow fire sign Aries on the 19th, into your 9th House of Higher Education, Travel, and Philosophy. This can indicate some new connections in your love life if you’re willing to expand your horizons, but it can also allude to abundance in your love and creative life in terms of opening up your heart and your mind to other opportunities. Not everything is about going by the book, so if you can honor the changes you’ve already started to make, newer ones will be even easier to embrace.

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“Click Here to Find Pisces Man Secrets You Need To Know”

It’s also important to note that another sign, Pisces, will likely feel the effects of some transformation during this month as well (this mostly applies to Pisces Risings but can also affect Pisces sun, moon, and other personal placements).

With the Full Moon on November 5th will be taking place in your 6th House of Habits/Health, this is a great time to focus on the ways you care for yourself. This could open up insight into new habits that have been beneficial or shine a light on others that have been holding you back. You might be surprised what needs to change for you to step into a healthier version of yourself.

Then, Aquarius season has already started its journey in your 12th House of Secret and the Unconscious (or things that you can’t “see,” such as dreams, emotions, etc.). Once Mercury joins the party on the 11th, this could signify a time of trusting your intuition and what it’s trying to tell you. Whether it involves love (I mean, the 14th is right around the corner) or other significant areas of your life, the 12th House is often a place where things become uncovered—and if the planet of communication has anything to say about it, those things will certainly want to come to light. You could discover some unexpected things about yourself, so it won’t hurt to pay attention.

Then, when your season arrives on the 18th, your 1st House of Self/Identity will have the spotlight, and the New Moon following up on the 19th does point to a fresh start in your life. The way you present yourself, the person you want to become, and the identity you want to hold are all on the table during this season, so take this time to celebrate yourself and focus on who you are and who you want to be. The person who holds the power to change yourself is you—it’s important you remember that.





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