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Surprise friends—we have another Full Moon this month, and it’s finally here!
The Full Moon in Pisces, arriving on August 30th around 9:35 p.m. EST, is the second full moon this month, and it’s bringing some fanfare alongside it. Not only is it a Supermoon (meaning it’s closer to Earth and appears fuller and brighter than usual), but it’s also a “Blue moon” due to it being the second this month—a rare occurrence and callback to the phrase “Once in a blue moon.” Essentially, this transit is determined to capture your attention.
Full moons often signify the ending of a chapter, as well as a chance to reflect on what’s taken place throughout a cycle. To get a fuller perspective, it’s helpful to reflect on Pisces season and the New Moon in Pisces earlier this year and see what was taking place during that time. Pisces is a water sign ruled by Neptune, the planet of imagination, innovation, and delusion, so it’s important we allow ourselves to dream without keeping our heads too stuck in the clouds.
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With The Sun and Mercury Retrograde in opposition to this upcoming Full Moon, there is a balance of practical, determined energy from Virgo, which can help ground some of our more lofty aspirations. Additionally, Saturn in Pisces is in close proximity to this Full Moon, giving it some weight and having us approach these areas of life with maturity.
While each zodiac sign will experience the full moon’s effects, four signs will feel them more personally. Check out the signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see which four zodiac signs have the potential to thrive during this Full Moon in Pisces.
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With this Full Moon in your 1st House of Self and Identity, you may feel things more intensely than usual (even for your water sign nature). The good news is that you’re starting to see some things coming to fruition that you’ve been hoping for—your confidence and manifesting are paying off! However, there is some tension as the Sun and Mercury Retrograde are sitting squarely in your 7th House of Partnerships, which could provide some revelations on the state of your relationships or provide some peace about letting go of what isn’t right for you. The most important thing to remember is that who you are and what you want are worth fighting for, and the Supermoon is the perfect boost to embrace yourself fully.
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The Pisces Full Moon appears in your 7th House of Relationships, putting your relationships at the forefront of your thoughts this week. You could experience some important perspectives regarding the way you function in certain relationships (this season, you have been focused on yourself, after all), and it could be a good time to accept that a rework is needed to keep your connections happy, healthy, and thriving—or to let them go if there isn’t a way forward. It’s okay not to want to be held back by others who can’t work with you, but make sure you get the full story before making any major decisions. The good news is, regardless of the outcome, you’re either working towards a stronger partnership or letting go of what’s limiting you—both of which are worth celebrating.
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Your hard work is paying off, Gemini. The Full Moon in Pisces is appearing in your 10th House of Career and Public Image, and while it’s taken much of your time and effort, you’re seeing it’s worth it. This transit may push you to complete a major task or project or result in something you’ve been chasing finally coming to fruition. Of course, with Saturn in close proximity, you’re still feeling the weight on your shoulders to not let up on your work just yet, but you’re allowed to be proud of how far you’ve come and what you’re continuing to work towards—just know this isn’t the end, but a fresh start for what’s coming next.
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The Pisces Full Moon is showing up in your 5th House of Creativity and Romance, so don’t be surprised if sparks are flying—in more ways than one. The exciting aspect is you may feel more attuned to your creative processes than usual, and it’s worth taking advantage of. However, with Saturn in the same house, there may be a heaviness or more mature element that can be tempting for you to view as restrictive, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Taking this time to embrace the more dedicated aspects of your craft and put them to good use can result in some breakthroughs on projects you’ve been working towards, and the results very well could surprise you.