Zodiac Signs

The Zodiac Trio Entangled In A Love Triangle This Summer, According To Tarot

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Taurus, Leo, & Libra

With Taurus being an earth sign, Leo a fire sign, and Libra an Air sign this seems like an unlikely trio we have here. The situations the universe draws us towards are always interesting and peculiar, to say the least. So why, Taurus, Leo, and Libra?

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To begin, the Full Moon on August 19th will directly impact Libra’s fifth house of love. That same Full Moon could also influence Leo’s connection to a potential soulmate. With that said Taurus will also experience strong influences from Venus around the same time in August as well, though not as strongly as Leo and Libra. The thing is, Taurus has a tendency to cling on to past relationships and though it’s romantic the way they poeticize their ex-lovers, it does make it rather difficult for Taurus to give other connections a chance.

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So it’s not too far-fetched to say that Taurus may be at the center of this potential love triangle. Right now, especially since the passing of the June 21st full moon, Taurus is in the process of releasing toxicity that keeps them in the past. Perhaps that’s why Leo is so set on “winning” Taurus over. Leo is no stranger to being in the limelight and attracting many different potential love interests, and yet Taurus is paying no mind. And though Libra seems to be a little less invested in the outcome of this triangle, there is still no denying the connection that they feel.

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The thing is, this dynamic may vary from person to person depending on the context but regardless, astrologically speaking, these three signs seem to be experiencing a lot of the same overlap that could result in them crossing the same paths at the same time. This love triangle might see its conclusion sometime during September.

The Zodiac Trio Entangled In A Love Triangle This Summer, According To Tarot
The Zodiac Trio Entangled In A Love Triangle This Summer, According To Tarot

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