The zodiac signs that quickly lose interest in love versus the zodiac signs that will love you forever

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Are you looking for your chosen one or do you just want a one-night stand? 

Find out what his intentions are, depending on his zodiac sign!

Click Here for The #1 Reason Men Lose Interest In Women They Love.

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

Aries loves the passion that comes with a new relationship, which means that this native will quickly lose interest in love.

It’s like a cat with a mouse. He loves the pursuit process, but once he catches it, he will want to leave and find someone else to follow. Aries is a libertine lifestyle and tends to have casual relationships. So when it comes to trying to have a serious relationship, all she has to do is hurry up. He loses interest too quickly because he doesn’t have time to get to know someone who might be great for him. All that matters is to catch the mouse and let it go so that it can run after another.

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Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

Taurus is only looking for serious and long-lasting relationships.

He is not a fan of casual relationships, as he begins to have felt quite early. He wants to find someone he can be with forever because having a lasting and romantic love is one of his biggest goals in life. Taurus takes every day as it comes, instead of getting too frustrated or losing interest in the person next to him. If you are not ready to meet his parents, move in together, or start a family, he will leave you behind.

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Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

The twins are very rational. They are driven by the mind and not the heart, which could cause them problems in relationships and in love.

Geminis are often very detached from their relationships. They also lose interest in a person quite quickly and get involved in the next relationship without lingering too long. In fact, they seem to lose interest quickly, but the truth is that the decision to leave a relationship is a careful and long-thought-out one.

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Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Cancer can be very reserved and shy at the beginning of a new relationship.

Try to feel this new person and decide where to go from now on. Once she opens up to her partner, she becomes full of life, intimate, caring and extremely loyal, all in the name of love. His main goal in life is to find his half. You may be surprised at how determined he can be to make the relationship last.

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Leo(July 22 – August 22)

Being a sign of fire, passion is what matters most to Leo when it comes to love relationships.

He wants to be loved and revered, but by whom? This does not matter! What matters is to receive the love and affection he needs. The lion loses interest when he feels ignored. If you can’t make time for the relationship with him, he’ll find someone else who will. He doesn’t ask for much, he only knows how much he is worth and he will find someone to give him what he wants and deserves.

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Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

When Virgo meets someone who lives up to her standards, she can stay in a relationship for a very long time.

He is not afraid of long-term relationships, he just wants to make sure that the person he is with complements him well. She can’t sit next to someone who has other values ​​or plans for the future than her. What can cause her to lose interest in the relationship is to have to take care of her loved one all the time. She takes care of those she cares about, but she doesn’t want to be the only adult in the relationship. She needs to know that you are able to take care of yourself and contribute to the relationship with her as well.

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Libra(September 23 – October 22)

Libra loves to be involved in a relationship, but she also wants it to be mind-boggling.

When her relationship begins to settle in that comfort zone, that is, it is less about flirting and more about living together, she loses interest. He wants fantasy every minute of the day. Libra is more attracted to the idea of ​​ideal love than to real people. She loves romance novels and romantic movies and longs for those idyllic stories. In reality, love is not so fantastic and it becomes monotonous pretty quickly. Libra falls in love quickly and passes them just as quickly, losing interest in people who can’t keep up with her expectations.

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Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

The idea of ​​a relationship forever is very interesting for this native.

Scorpio wants to find someone who can be his best friend and confidant, but first he has to go through the hard work of dating to find his half. However, she did not underestimate him. When Scorpio wants something, he is very motivated to get it. Sometimes, Scorpio is in a hurry to get involved in serious relationships with people who are not looking for the same things as him or who he does not yet know enough about.

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Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius is like a slippery slope when it comes to romantic encounters.

It’s hard to catch and it’s hard to hold in one place for too long. He is always looking for his next adventure and his need for enthusiasm and spontaneity extends to his love life. Sagittarius quickly loses interest if you can’t keep up with him. He needs a partner who can roll with him, for better or for worse. But even if you are the ideal partner for him, there is a good chance that he will pass it on to someone else in the end. He doesn’t like the idea of ​​a long-term relationship and would prefer something lighter.

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Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn is very patient when it comes to finding his / her partner with whom he/she is meant to spend his / her life.

He knows that a person who wants to get involved in a serious and lasting relationship is not always easy to find, but he is willing to work hard to make it happen. When Capricorn is motivated to do something important for him, he will work day and night to get where he wants to go. Relationships are an investment for him. He goes to meetings to find his way, not just for a one-night stand.

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Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius always seems to be on the doorstep when it comes to relationships.

Being sensitive and sentimental is not something that characterizes him, but he prefers a meeting of minds. He takes a more logical and cerebral approach to love. Aquarius may seem to have lost interest soon enough, but there is a good chance that there will be a lengthy analysis behind the decision to break up. Aquarius does not break away from people on a whim, but he goes on emotionally and mentally much faster than he does physically.

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Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

Pisces can’t wait to find someone to share the rest of their lives with.

Finding the perfect person is definitely a priority for them and they are willing to make a consistent effort to do so. Romance, flirting, courtship, they want it all! Being a water sign, a long-term relationship is definitely at the top of their list. When they find that perfect and healthy relationship, they will stay with that person for a very long time or forever.

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