The Worst Parent-child Compatibility, Depending on the Zodiac Sign

The bond between parent and child is sacred and extremely beautiful. However, the level of trust and friendship can differ in each parent-child relationship.

Some parents are fun-loving, and open-minded, and can make their children feel extremely comfortable in their company.

On the other hand, others impose strict rules and demand order and discipline, which is extremely disturbing for growing children, encouraging them, even more, to break the rules, become more rebellious, and move away from them.

Having said that, if you have constant disagreements with your child and the arguments between you have become a common nuisance, below is a list of the parent-child zodiac pairs that are the least compatible.

The worst parent-child compatibility, depending on the sign:

Aries – Cancer

Aries isarehe most enthusiastic about their children’s goals and ambitions. It’s all about pushing yourself to reach the heights of success and taking advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.

However, Cancers can often lack that zeal and enthusiasm. They are emotionally healthy people, who prefer to take their time for everything and move at their own pace.

This somehow creates a huge barrier between the two, making them the least compatible.

Gemini – Taurus

Gemini and Taurus have completely different personalities.

While Geminis are very sociable and love to be in the company of people, Tauruses are the biggest introverts and prefer to stay in their comfort zones.

So, every time a Gemini parent urges their Taurus child to be more open to new people, it is likely that he will close in on himself even more and become more distant.

Leo – Aquarius

People born under the sign of Leo seek attention and live in the spotlight. They love the company of other people and like to be recognized for what they do and who they are.

On the opposite side, Aquarians are somewhat ignorant of people’s opinions. They choose to believe in their truth and don’t care what society has to say about them.

While a Leo parent may see an Aquarius as unruly and messy, an Aquarius child may feel stronger and strengthened by their individualistic personality.

Libra – Virgo

Libras are about balance and security. They are the bringers of peace in the family and are often appreciated for it.

While Virgos may like a Libra’s dedication to maintaining stability, they don’t like their indifferent, careless nature.

Virgos are all about perfection and flawlessness. They are demanding and leave no loopholes for errors to occur.

That being said, this parent-child zodiac combination can falter at times.

Capricorn – Sagittarius

Capricorn and Sagittarius have opposite personalities, where the former is extremely practical and calculated about his actions, and the latter is more spontaneous and adventurous.

Neither agrees with the other’s idea of ​​living their lives.

While Capricorn sees a Sagittarius as reckless, a Sagittarius may find a Capricorn efficient but dull, leading to an incompatible air.

Scorpio – Leo

What makes a Scorpio and a Leo incompatible is their shared personality trait. Both are assertive and born leaders.

While a Scorpio will make sure their point of view is heard, similarly, Leos share the same desire to lead.

This causes rifts and conflicts that have no conclusive outcome. Parents and children sharing this zodiac combination often struggle to find common ground.

Pisces – Sagittarius

Both Pisces and Sagittarius are dreamers. But while the latter believes in putting thoughts into action, the former is more timid and worried about the consequences.

Although they share some common ideas, their approach is very different, making them incompatible in many ways.





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