Update: The Type Of Mom You’ll Be, Based On Your Birth Month

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You’re going to be the strict mom who makes sure that your children clean up after themselves and brush their teeth and go to bed at the same time every night. You aren’t going to budge, just because they make a cute face at you because you want to teach them responsibility and you want to keep them healthy. Their future matters more than your feelings.


You’re going to be the crafty mom who is always coming up with fun ideas for the kids to try. You’re also going to let your own creativity shine through by making them foods shaped like different animals, decorating their rooms with elaborate designs, and learning how to knit or crochet.

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You’re going to be the pushover mom who never wants to say no to your children. You can’t stand the thought of them crying, especially when there’s something you can do to lift their mood, so you will give them whatever they want. There’s not much that is off limits to you.


You’re going to be the cool mom who is surprisingly lenient with the kids. You want to give them enough space to discover who they are and the freedom to make their own mistakes, so you will try not to crowd them. You will let them do whatever they want, within reason.

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You’re going to be the keepsake mom who holds onto every single tooth that they lose and teddy bear that they’ve outgrown. You won’t want to throw out their schoolwork or drawings either, so you’ll pack them in boxes. You’ll have tons of useless items that you won’t be able to get rid of because of sentimental reasons.


You’re going to be the best friend mom who likes to have fun and treats your children like equals. You’re going to try your hardest to get along with their friends and make them all like you. After all, you want them to feel comfortable coming to you about things that kids usually keep from parents. You don’t want any topic to be off-limits.

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You’re going to be the overprotective mom who is always worrying about something. You’re going to have a hard time relaxing whenever your child is out of your sight because you love them so much and can’t imagine anything bad happening to them, even them getting a small paper-cut. You just want to protect them.


You’re going to be the nosy mom who is tempted to flip through their diaries. You aren’t trying to invade their privacy. You just want to know that they’re okay. That’s why you’ll bombard them with a million questions whenever they come home from school and have meetings with other parents before allowing them to have playdates. You can never be too careful.

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You’re going to be the organized mom who looks like she has it all together. Even though there will be hard days, you’ll have a color-coded schedule and a meal plan in order that keeps your world running smoothly.


You’re going to be the influencer mom who is always snapping photos. Everyone warns you that they grow up fast and you don’t want to miss a moment. You want to capture every stage of their life. And obviously you’re going to post those photos online. You can’t help that you want to brag about your children. They’re perfect.

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You’re going to be the exhausted mom who is always multitasking and putting way too much on your plate at once. You will want to volunteer for every opportunity available so you can spend more time with them and remind them how much you care. You’ll always have dozens of cupcakes to bake or pamphlets to sell.


You’re going to be the competitive mom who pushes their child to succeed. You want the best for them, so you’re going to try to instill responsibility and maturity into them at a young age. You’re going to encourage them to sign up for a bunch of different sports, musical instruments, and clubs. You want them to be well-rounded.

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