The Relationship Habits That Are Holding You Back, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

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You’re always in a rush, Aries, and that’s reflected in your relationships. You don’t take the time to really get to know someone before diving in headfirst. Slow down and enjoy the ride, Aries. Your impatience is holding you back.

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You’re too stubborn, Taurus. You’re so set in your ways that you’re unwilling to compromise or try new things. Relationships require flexibility and compromise. If you can’t learn to bend a little, you’ll never find lasting love

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You’re too flighty, Gemini. You’re always moving on to the next thing, and that includes relationships. You have a hard time committing to one person because you’re always looking for the next best thing. You need to learn to focus and give your partner the attention they deserve.

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You’re too emotional, Cancer. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and that can be overwhelming for some people. You need to learn to control your emotions and not let them control you. Your sensitivity is a strength, but it can also be a weakness.

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You’re too self-centered, Leo. You love attention and you crave it constantly. You need to learn to share the spotlight with your partner and not always be the center of attention. Your ego is holding you back from finding true love.

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You’re too critical, Virgo. You have high standards and expect perfection from yourself and your partner. You need to learn to relax and not be so hard on yourself and others. Relationships are about accepting flaws and imperfections.

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You’re too indecisive, Libra. You have a hard time making decisions and sticking to them. You need to learn to trust your gut and not second-guess yourself. Your indecisiveness is holding you back from finding the right partner.

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You’re too secretive, Scorpio. You have a hard time opening up to others and trusting them. You need to learn to be vulnerable and share your emotions with your partner. Your guardedness is holding you back from true intimacy.

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You’re too restless, Sagittarius. You love adventure and excitement, but that can make it hard to settle down and commit to one person. You need to learn to appreciate the stability and comfort that comes with a long-term relationship.

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You’re too serious, Capricorn. You have a hard time letting loose and having fun. You need to learn to lighten up and not take everything so seriously. Relationships should be enjoyable, not just another responsibility.

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You’re too detached, Aquarius. You value your independence and often keep your emotions at arm’s length. You need to learn to connect with your partner on a deeper level and not be afraid of intimacy.

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You’re too passive, Pisces. You have a tendency to go with the flow and let others make decisions for you. You need to learn to assert yourself and take control of your own life, including your relationships. Your passivity is holding you back from finding true love

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