The Red Flag Each Zodiac Is Turned Off By

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They will run the other way if you are too controlling. They don’t want to feel like their partner is calling the shots. They want to maintain their independence.

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They will run the other way if you constantly break promises. This sign needs consistency. They need to be able to trust you. If they can’t count on you to follow through on your plans and promises, then they are going to start feeling like they can’t trust you at all.

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They will run the other way if you refuse to take responsibility for your actions. They don’t mind if you make mistakes. They are pretty forgiving. But if you won’t admit that you messed up and apologize, then they aren’t going to stick around to let you hurt them again.

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They will run the other way if you cause too much drama and talk badly about people you supposedly care about. They want to date someone genuine and loyal, who means what they say. They don’t want to wonder whether this person is talking badly about them behind closed doors too.

“Click Here to Find Cancer Man Secrets You Need To Know”


They will run the other way if you have trouble controlling your temper. They won’t stand for being disrespected. If you blow up at them and say cruel things when you’re upset, you won’t get a second chance.

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They will run the other way if you compare them to others. They don’t want to feel like they’re in a competition for your love. They don’t want to feel like they’re fighting for your attention. If you aren’t one hundred percent into them, then they can do better.

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They will run the other way if you expect them to do all the work. Even though this sign is super sweet, they are not pushovers. They don’t want to baby their partners. They want to be with a teammate, someone who does an equal amount of work. Laziness won’t cut it.

“Click Here to Find Libra Man Secrets You Need To Know”


They will run the other way if you send mixed signals. They don’t want to sit there trying to figure out how you feel. They want a relationship where all the cards are on the table. They want to know exactly what is running through your mind without having to ask.

“Click Here to Find Scorpio Man Secrets You Need To Know”


They will run the other way if you tell little white lies. They believe relationships should be completely transparent. They aren’t going to believe a word that comes out of your mouth if they catch you in a lie, which means the relationship won’t last long.

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They will run the other way if you refuse to put a label on the relationship. They want something real, something serious. They aren’t going to let you string them along when they want more.

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They will run the other way if you turn everything into a competition. They want a partner who supports and encourages them. If you get jealous or annoyed or insecure whenever they accomplish something impressive, then they won’t want to be with you.

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They will run the other way if you expect them to be your entire world. They put their all into relationships, but that doesn’t mean they are willing to ignore the other people in their world that matter to them. They care too much about their family and friends to ditch them once they start dating someone.

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