Aries (March 21 – April 20)
The only thing that Aries cannot tolerate in a relationship is feeling trapped or suffocated.
The moment the atmosphere between you becomes uncomfortable, he will think of leaving you. He needs freedom and space. He can’t be with someone who watches everything or depends too much on him, because he needs a life outside of the relationship.
Once he starts to feel trapped, he will want to leave you. There is a fine line between keeping Aries interested and driving him away. Unfortunately, only he knows the secret of his happiness. If your relationship with him is strong enough, he will be honest with you. Otherwise, it’s all up to you!
Taurus (April 21 – May 21)
For the relationship with a Taurus to work, you must know that he needs full respect.
You cannot expect this from him if you are not willing to give it to him. It is important to have the same set of values or at least to respect each other’s plans and goals.
He will leave you without thinking if he feels disrespect from you.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
They say that extremes attract, but in the case of the Gemini man, the more you resemble him, the longer the relationship will last.
The similarities between you are important to him. This native may leave you if you are too different from him. He likes uniqueness and individuality, but if he feels that you will collide with each other or that your interests never intersect, he will leave you.
Cancer(June 22 – July 21)
Cancer will do everything in its power to have a strong and long-lasting relationship with you.
That being said, there are many things you can do to save your relationship before it ends. A relationship involves two people.
If the Cancer feels that all the responsibility falls on his shoulders, then he will leave you. He is patient and forgiving, but he too has his limits.
Leo(July 22 – August 22)
Leo needs to have someone by his side who can help him evolve and inspire him.
Sure, he has a big heart, but everything has a limit. Leo needs to be motivated, and since he notices that you are becoming passive in the relationship, he will take the first steps toward separation.
If your relationship is going through a rough patch, they need to see that you care and want to fight together to overcome it.
Virgo(August 23 – September 22)
The Virgo man has high expectations from his relationship with you.
He knows exactly what he wants or at least has a clear idea. He needs a motivating factor, someone who will be by his side throughout the ups and downs of life.
If you can’t be 100% there for him, then he will leave you without a second thought.
Libra(September 23 – October 22)
The Libra native always tries to see the bright side of things, because it is much more important for him to be optimistic than pessimistic or even realistic.
Libra has an idealistic view of the world and this influences their relationship. Although he knows it can sometimes be difficult to see the glass half full, he still tries hard.
If you are too negative or fatalistic, he will decide to leave you. He knows it’s impossible to smile every day, but he wants to see that you’re willing to at least try.
Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)
Anyone who knows a Scorpio knows that trust and loyalty are extremely crucial and cannot have a relationship with you if these two criteria are not met. He doesn’t let anyone into his life or give access to his heart without a thorough vetting.
If you are not open with him and you don’t have the patience to learn to be vulnerable, then he will leave you. Scorpio does not like to be rushed in his feelings, things must be done at his own pace.
Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)
Sagittarius is looking for a dynamic relationship, one based on excitement and fun.
We tend to think that relationships should be serious and intense all the time, but for Sagittarius, relationships should be constant fun with their best friend, you.
He probably fell in love with you precisely because you brought him the thrill he was looking for in his life. Therefore, if this thrill goes away, he will think about leaving you. Sagittarius needs constant stimulation, and if you can’t be an active part of their life, they will quickly lose interest.
Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)
Capricorn is probably the most responsible sign in the entire zodiac.
That’s why he needs someone as mature as him. His ideal partner should be able to talk about the important and sometimes difficult things in life and deal with them appropriately as an adult.
If you are too irresponsible for him, he will leave you without a second thought. He has no time to waste, so you have to be an independent and resourceful person. If you’re too reckless or childish, he won’t stay with you for long.
Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)
Aquarius is one of those zodiac signs that need the freedom to be happy in a relationship.
He will leave you without a second thought if he feels trapped. He wants to be able to be himself, to have time and space just for him to express himself and unfold without you blowing the back of his head.
Pisces(February 19 – March 20)
The Pisces native would go to great lengths for the people they love.
Therefore, he expects the person next to him to do the same for him. He will always be there for you when you need him and be the shoulder to cry on when you want to vent.
The efforts he makes are what he expects in return. He will leave you without looking back if he feels misunderstood or if you don’t take him seriously.