The One ‘Type’ You Should Stay Away From, According To Your Zodiac Sign

“Click Here To Discover What Men Secretly Want, But They Could Never Tell You.”


You can’t be with the clingy type. You like your space and your freedom and you like the chase so a clingy or an overly affectionate partner will push you away. You lose the excitement when someone shows too much interest in you.


You can’t be with the stubborn type. Because you’re stubborn yourself and you don’t always like to compromise, you need someone who is more laid back and lenient to keep up with you and not give you a hard time about your life choices.


You can’t be with the reserved type. You are full of life and energy and you need someone who knows how to love and enjoy the little things in life. You can’t be with someone who likes silence and isolation or someone who is not very talkative and open about their feelings.


You can’t be with the detached type. You crave intimacy, depth and a strong emotional connection. Detached people will never be able to give you the connection you need and will always leave you questioning their feelings for you.


You can’t be with the shy type. You like your partner to be bold and confident and maybe even a bit loud. You’ll get bored easily if you’re with someone timid or reserved because you’re more attracted to people with big personalities.


You can’t be with the bohemian type. You’re always ahead of the curve, you love to plan everything and your career is the most important thing to you. You can’t be with someone who’s all over the place or still figuring out what they want to do or constantly traveling from one place to another


You can’t be with the aggressive type. You like your peace and your harmony and you like to take your time. Someone who puts pressure on you or keeps blowing up your phone is not someone you want to be with at all.


You can’t be with the passive type. As opposed to Libra, you actually like the aggressive type. You like a partner who is confident enough to show you that you’re special. You’re passionate and you prefer someone who is equally passionate about you.


You can’t be with the judgmental type. You have a lot of friends and colleagues from all walks of life and you make friends easily. Someone who is constantly judging your inner circle or your new acquaintances is not going to work with you because you care too much about people (no matter where they’re from or what they do.)


You can’t be with the flaky type. You like stability, consistency and order. Someone who is wishy-washy or indecisive will not appeal to you. You like someone who gives you the reassurance you need to open up your heart.


You can’t be with the traditional type. You can’t be with someone who likes to follow the rules or thinks that creative work is a ‘hobby’ not a career. You want someone who believes in your dreams and encourages you to go for them. You can’t be with someone who doesn’t understand you or your bizarre ideas.


You can’t be with the emotionally unavailable type. You don’t want to work so hard for something that comes naturally to you. You’re sentimental, intuitive and emotional and you will not be happy with someone who blocks all of that from you. You want to be able to read your partner instead of trying to figure them out.





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