The air is fresh, the mists are lifting and you find yourself with a Christmas carol in your head in the middle of the afternoon, for no particular reason? Look no further: November is here. In the sky, some friction is felt. The astrological weather forecast has been cloudy for several days. The gentle and diplomatic season of Libra is over, and we are entering the harsh season of Scorpio . Which subtly reminds us (no) that everything ends one day, even our own person. A real All Saints’ Day atmosphere (or Samhain for witches) which promises to bring luck to three astrological signs , but leaves others speechless. Fortunately, Jean-Yves Espié gives you his advice on how to curl up with complete peace of mind in a good blanket.

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Horoscope: This Sign Will Have To Take Charge Of Itself

They shone from evening to evening, all dressed in sequins, during the month of their birthday. However, Libras have always been a little less of a fan of autumn, the real one, the one that is windy and requires you to wear less chic clothes. Scorpio season and its promises of introspection promises to be a little too intense for Libra , who greatly prefers lightness. “This week, choose to take charge and make an effort,” encourages Jean-Yves Espié. Get to work and continue what you started. »

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If the desire to enter into deep denial by coming to work in a flowered dress, braving the rain (“what rain?”) tempts them, we must face the facts: a small prescription of preventive vitamin D would not do no harm to Libras. We pull ourselves together, because “this is not the time to give up,” says Jean-Yves Espié. If she is sometimes tempted to forget it, Libra is one of the leaders of the zodiac, those who give the “the”: the cardinal signs . And if everything seems gloomy to you, this week, the astrologer has advice for you: “Approach situations with a fresh eye, what represented an obstacle yesterday will no longer be an obstacle tomorrow, broaden the prism of your analyses. »

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Horoscope: Important Decisions Await This Sign

And we see you coming, the bad tongues: no, it’s not about Libras and their alleged inability to make choices. We wouldn’t have the audacity to mention them twice in this flop of the week. But it’s another Air sign that will have to make decisions in order to move forward. Aquarius (which, we remind you, is not a Water sign) is at a pivotal time of the year. The Full Blood Moon in Taurus is particularly rich in transformations for Aquarius, since it takes place in two signs that form an uncomfortable angle with it: Taurus and Scorpio. So it’s fatal, Aquarius questions himself a lot. He ends up doubting everything, even himself.

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“You do not need to compare yourself to others but to pursue what is good for you,” recalls Jean-Yves Espié. The greatest quality of Aquarius ? Pursue your path while ignoring the opinions of others, your independence, your eccentric and creative spirit. Valuable personality traits during a slump. “If you follow a goal that belongs only to you, make decisions that give you the means to achieve it,” reminds the astrologer before advising Aquarius to surround themselves well, particularly with their friends. That’s good, they have as many as stars in the sky.

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