The Gift You Need To Give Yourself This Holiday Season, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot


Your Card: Ace of Wands

This holiday season give yourself the gift of a new beginning and adventure. Allow your inspiration and passion to guide you. When you think about what could be, what is it that fills you with excitement? That’s the present you owe yourself. Pursue that innovative idea, creative spark, dream, or wish for yourself. Set the wheels in motion. If you can dream it, you can make it happen. Fuel that fire that stirs within you.


Your Card: Queen of Cups

The gift you need to give yourself this holiday season is self-love and compassion. The Queen of Cups caring, nurturing, empathetic, and kind. She makes others feel safe and holds space for them. When others are in need of healing and connection, she provides that support. Embody her energy by embracing and honoring your emotions. Don’t avoid feeling just because it might hurt. Let yourself be vulnerable. Be patient with, and gentle to yourself. Tend to your emotional health before the new year.


Your Card: The Magician

What better present to give yourself over the holidays than tapping into your full potential? The Magician is a card of manifestation and willpower. With a new year just around the corner, it’s time to get crystal clear on your intentions. Write them down and visualize them, whether it’s a new job, a promotion, a new car, buying a house, saving more money, or self-improvement. Create a solid plan of action and commit yourself to it in 2025.


Your Card: Four of Cups

The Four of Cups indicates that you’re experiencing stagnation in an area of your life. You’re feeling stuck, unmotivated, discouraged, apathetic, or uninspired. You need contemplation, self-evaluation, and a new perspective to get you out of this rut. Give yourself that gift this holiday season. Likely, the way out is staring you in the face, but you don’t have the clarity to see it yet. All you probably need is a change in attitude and a new approach.


Your Card: Queen of Swords

Give yourself the superpower of self-assuredness this holiday season. The Queen of Swords is a card of personal authority, autonomy, authenticity, and intellectual power. She’s always direct and never apologizes for who she is or what she brings to the table. Embody her energy by asserting yourself, your opinions, your thoughts, and your ideas. Be honest, even if that means you’re not likable to others. Set boundaries. Trust in your inner wisdom. Make well-reasoned choices.


Your Card: The Sun

The Sun is a powerful symbol of optimism, confidence, warmth, and joy, which are the gifts you owe yourself when the new year approaches. This card promises a period of success and happiness, but you need positive energy in order to obtain those things. You can’t invite new blessings into your life without being grateful for all the abundance you have now. Embody this card’s energy with gratitude and having faith in your abilities. Let yourself shine brightly, Virgo.


Your Card: Two of Pentacles, reversed

The gift you need to give yourself this holiday season is one of the things you value most in life—balance. The Two of Pentacles in reverse indicates that you’re currently overwhelmed trying to juggle all of life’s demands. Is there an area of your life that you favor to the neglect of others? Do you need to reprioritize? Is there somewhere in your life you need to be cutting back? Does your routine include practices that help you better manage your stress?


Your Card: Knight of Cups

It’s no secret that you feel everything so intensely, but you don’t always have the easiest time sharing those emotions. Instead, you hold a lot to yourself. This holiday season you should give yourself the gift of emotional expression. Let it out, Scorpio. Let others know what’s in your heart. There’s no shame in speaking your feelings. It’s a brave, courageous act. Yes, vulnerability is terrifying, but if you don’t start living with an open heart, your life is going to be filled with regret.


Your Card: Nine of Cups, reversed

Your holiday gift to yourself this year should be a more authentic sense of fulfillment. The Nine of Cups shows up in reverse to encourage you to think more carefully about the things you desire and what truly bring your life meaning. It’s also a reminder that true happiness isn’t found in the material or external world, but within the depths of your own being. Your life may appear fabulous, but can you honestly say there’s not a void in you that you struggle to fill? Seek out what truly makes your heart sing.


Your Card: Page of Pentacles

Capricorn, give yourself the gift of knowledge and learning this holiday season. The Page of Pentacles encourages you to sink your teeth into a subject that interests you or a new hobby. Maybe you want to refine and strengthen your skills surrounding your career. Sign up for a workshop or class that will aid you in that endeavor. Whether you want to study something just for fun or you want to maximize your talents, feed your mind.


Your Card: Five of Wands

Be kind to yourself this holiday season and give yourself the gift of no longer comparing yourself to others. The Five of Wands wants you to stop seeing life as a competition. Make this change in 2025. The only person you should aspire to be better than is the person you were yesterday. Not everyone’s journey and timelines are the same. Everyone’s “wins” look different. Focus exclusively on your own progress and growth.


Your Card: Knight of Wands

Put a bow on exploration and adventure—this should be your gift to yourself this holiday season. The Knight of Wands wants you to be adventurous, curious, and free-spirited. This card gives you permission to be spontaneous and even a little impulsive. Embrace new experiences, connections, and places. Stop overthinking it and just do it. Be bold. What or where have you wanted to explore? What opportunities have you been too afraid to seize? Do it, even if it’s just for the plot.

The Gift You Need To Give Yourself This Holiday Season, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot
The Gift You Need To Give Yourself This Holiday Season, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot





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